Energy on Wisconsin engages communities, tribes, businesses and organizations to advance Wisconsin’s transformation to a clean energy economy for the health, prosperity and resilience of all its people and future generations.
Energy On Wisconsin:
- Increases energy awareness, education and outreach on energy conservation and efficiency, renewable energy sources and systems, and cost-effective approaches and financing
- Facilitates strategic, participatory sustainable energy planning, policies, and implementation
- Builds successful relationships and enables information sharing
- Provides funding opportunities and technical assistance
- Increases successful and cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects across Wisconsin
We do this by engaging communities, tribes, state and local officials, businesses, utilities, state programs, nonprofit organizations, technical colleges, and higher education institutions.
UW – Madison Extension
UW-Madison Extension provides assistance by:
- One-on-one technical assistance through site visits, phone, or e-mail consultations
- Educational presentations, process design and facilitation tailored to meet the specific needs of the audience or client
- Network weaving and collaboration
- Participatory planning, stakeholder engagement and building capacity for change
- Workshops with customized content developed to meet the information needs of the stakeholders
- Applied research
- Energy On Wisconsin Website and blog to keep Wisconsin current with policy, news developments, projects, funding opportunities, events and training, and publications and tools, such as the Solar Energy Financing Guide: Empowering Local Governments
Office of Energy Innovation
Working in collaboration, OEI promotes innovative and effective energy policies and programs that benefit Wisconsin’s citizens and businesses.
The Wisconsin OEI provides assistance to residents, businesses, and local governments interested in investing in clean energy and energy efficiency projects.
Learn more about OEI programs, including Focus on Energy
Energy On Wisconsin was established in 2012 as a State Extension Energy Partnership program supported through a grant from the US Department of Energy to further progress toward sustainable energy practices by Wisconsin communities, businesses, farms, and the public.

An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, the University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA requirements.