Funding Opportunities
IRS: Elective Pay / Direct Pay
The Inflation Reduction Act’s “elective pay” (often called “direct pay”) allows tax-exempt and governmental entities to receive a payment equal to the full value of tax credits for building qualifying clean energy projects.
Applicable entities can use direct pay for 12 of the Inflation Reduction Act’s tax credits, including for generating clean electricity through solar, wind, and battery storage projects; building community solar projects that bring clean energy to neighborhood families; installing electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure; and purchasing clean vehicles for state or city vehicle fleets. See a full list of applicable tax credits for direct pay.
For more information about Direct Pay
Leveraging Federal Funds for Clean Energy Projects Webinar:
Recorded August 29, 2024, provides a “201” level briefing on Direct Pay; offers examples of how NGOs, religious organizations, community-based organizations, and other 501(c)3s can take advantage of Direct Pay; and provides links to free tools that can help navigate building new clean energy projects using these credits. Also, Lawyers for Good Government ( L4GG) offers a “101” basics page for groups in earlier stages of learning about Direct Pay.
Resources and IRS Office Hours on Direct Pay and the IRA Pre-filing Registration Tool. For upcoming IRS office hours see events calendar.
- Elective Pay Overview, Publication 5817
- Clean Energy Tax Incentives: Elective Pay Eligible Tax Credits, Publication 5817-G
- IRS Elective Pay Frequently Asked Questions
- Hub
- Pay
- Clean Energy Tax Navigator
- Elective Pay & IRA Tax Incentives Resources Page
DOE: Sector Funding & Technical Assistance Navigator
This database is a gathering of public funding and technical assistance available to states, local governments, schools, tribes, and community-serving organizations to help them implement high-impact, self-sustaining clean energy projects that center the needs of low-income and disadvantaged communities. This resource is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive.
Home Energy Rebates for WI Households and Low-Income Residents
Focus on Energy manages the $149 million federal home energy efficiency upgrades program for Wisconsin from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and US DOE. There are two home energy rebate programs: Home Efficiency Rebates (HOMES) and Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR).
HOMES – Home Efficiency Rebate. All WI households are eligible for energy efficiency upgrades in single & multi-family buildings, with higher rebates for lower income households below 80% of the area median income.
HEAR – Home Electrification & Appliance Rebates. Only households with an income below 150% AMI are eligible.
For more information on income-based rebate eligibility and for final program details, see Wisconsin IRA Home Energy Rebates page by Focus On Energy.
EPA: Great Lakes Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking (TCGM) Program
In EPA’s Great Lakes region 5, The Minneapolis Foundation will award $40 million in federal environmental justice grants to organizations working in and for underserved communities. The Grantmakers will provide grants to community-based nonprofits and other eligible subrecipients for assessment, planning, and project development activities. Grants will support existing work that is currently not funded by another source or to complement other projects for which you already have funding. However, TCGM also welcomes proposals for high-priority new projects.
Eligible Applicants: Native American organizations, community-based and grassroots nonprofit organizations, philanthropic and civic organizations with nonprofit status, tribal governments and intertribal consortia, local governments, and institutions of higher education.
Grant Categories and Awards:
Tier 1 – Assessment and Engagement: Up to $150,000. Also, a noncompetitive process for up to $75,000 to capacity-constrained entities.
Tier 2 – Community Education and Planning: Up to $250,000
Tier 3 – Project Development and Implementation: Up to $350,000
Deadline: Grants open December 5, 2024 through November 2025. Grants will be awarded on a rolling basis and remain open for 1-2 years. An intake form will need to be submitted in order to apply.
To get started, follow these suggested first steps:
1. Visit and sign up to receive updates and webinar announcements
2. Review grant guidelines on their website
3. Attend the next TCGM webinar on December 10th at 12pm CT | register here
4. Submit a TCGM intake form here
EPN Step by Step Guide to Applying for Grantmakers Funding
The EPN created a step by step guide for applying to this program. It includes two AI modules to assist applicants in creating draft language for their proposals.
Technical Assistance:
The Environmental Protection Network, in partnership with the Great Lakes TCTAC, will be providing technical assistance on the Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program grant application.
Fill out EPN’s technical assistance inquiry form. Alternatively, if you would like support from the wider Great Lakes Technical Assistance Center network, you can fill out the Great Lakes TCTAC intake form here.
DOE: Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) Partnership to Accelerate Training and Hiring for Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHP PATHs) Prize
The American-Made Partnerships to Accelerate Training & Hiring for Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHP PATHs) Prize is a $3 million-dollar prize competition designed to hire, certify, and train the current and next generation of geothermal heat pump workers. GHP PATHs Prize competitors participate in three contests – Connect, Engage, and Execute. Competitors have a chance to win part of $3 million to help them advance in the competition and accelerate the development of their solutions.
The Prize has three phases:
- Connect—Competitors will submit proposals outlining their visions for building a sustainable workforce pipeline in their region. Up to 20 teams will receive $40,000 each and proceed to Phase 2.
- Engage—Competitors will formalize partnerships with stakeholders and develop a comprehensive workforce development program. Up to eight teams will receive $150,000 each to refine their plans and move on to Phase 3.
- Execute—Competitors will implement their workforce development programs and show impact by reporting on the number of workers hired and trained, as well as the long-term impact on industry. Winning teams will share the remaining prize pool, with each receiving $100,000 to $400,000.
Eligible Applicants: The competition is open to private entities (for-profits and nonprofits), nonfederal government entities such as states, counties, tribes, and municipalities, academic institutions, and individuals.
Deadline: Phase 1 submission due February 12, 2025, 4pm CST
Additional Information:
- Get more information and register on the Prize webpage.
- Download the rules for the competition.
- Find the DOE listing here.
DOE: Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Benefits 2 (SolWEB2)
SolWEB2 projects will help stakeholders make informed decisions about solar energy by testing and implementing strategies that improve large-scale solar (LSS) siting processes and outcomes for wildlife, ecosystems, and communities that host LSS facilities and produce energy locally. It also invests in R&D, technical assistance, and stakeholder engagement to facilitate the dual use of land for agricultural and solar energy production (agrivoltaics). DOE expects to make 3 – 8 awards under this program, ranging from $1 million – $3 million each.
Topic Area 1 is focused on improving the ability of stakeholders to implement strategies that improve the compatibility of LSS facilities with wildlife and ecosystems. Projects will test new or existing strategies for mitigating adverse impacts on and/or maximizing benefits to wildlife and ecosystems from LSS development (e.g., wildlife-permeable fencing, native vegetation management, wildlife movement corridors). Projects will also provide technical assistance and stakeholder engagement opportunities on wildlife-solar interactions to improve coordination and collaboration among stakeholders and make research findings and best practices more accessible.
Topic Area 2 is focused on disseminating agrivoltaic research, sharing best practices, and enabling cross-sector collaboration. Projects will provide technical assistance and engagement opportunities to entities involved in LSS development, including but not limited to solar industry members, agricultural practitioners, rural cooperatives, Tribal governments and communities, and local governments.
Relevant stakeholder groups include solar developers, owners, and operators, environmental consultants, academic researchers with wildlife or agrivoltaics expertise, Tribal governments and communities, and state agencies and nonprofits working on wildlife, hunting, conservation, environmental, and agricultural issues.
Eligible applicants: Institutions of higher education, for-profit organizations, nonprofit organizations, state and local governmental entities, and Indian Tribes.
Proposals Due: February 14, 2025, 4:00PM CST
Questions: For questions regarding this NOFO, email:
OCED: Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA)
The ERA program, by the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, will fund clean energy projects that deliver measurable benefits to energy customers in rural or remote areas (10,000 or less population), support new rural or remote energy system models, and build clean energy knowledge, capacity, and self-reliance in rural America. In Wisconsin, this encompasses 472 communities and 5 counties.
The goals of the program are to:
- Deliver measurable and sustained benefits to people who live in rural or remote areas by funding replicable clean energy projects that lower energy costs, improve energy access and resilience, increase economic opportunity, and/or reduce environmental harm.
- Demonstrate effective rural or remote energy system approaches using climate-resilient technologies, business structures that promote economic resilience, accessible and appropriate financing mechanisms, and/or best practices in community leadership and engagement, and workforce development.
- Build clean energy knowledge, experience, capacity, and self-reliance in rural and remote parts of America.
Applicants must propose projects that support at least one of these eligible activities:
- Improving overall cost-effectiveness of energy generation, transmission, or distribution systems;
- Siting or upgrading transmission and distribution lines;
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy generation in rural or remote areas;
- Providing or modernizing electric generation facilities;
- Developing microgrids and;
- Increasing energy efficiency
Applicants must choose one of the four topic areas for their project’s application:
- Open category
- Dual use and co-location
- Smaller-scale community-centered
- Isolated microgrids & unelectrified buildings
Award Amount: DOE anticipates awarding up to $400 million in cooperative agreements with awards ranging from $2 million to $50 million. A 5-50% cost-share match requirement is also anticipated depending on the applicant type and project types.
Eligible Applicants: Communities with 10,000 or fewer residents.
Deadline: Concept paper due February 27, 2025, 4:00pm CST, Grant Application due August 28, 2025
Technical assistance is available to advise applicants during the funding opportunity process through the Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas Technical Assistance and Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (TCTACs) programs. Learn more about the support provided by each in this ERA Program Technical Assistance Overview fact sheet
On October 8, 2024, the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) held an informational webinar on the Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) program Notice of Funding Opportunity, featuring an overview of the funding announcement, the program, and next steps for applicants.
Webinar recording in English:
Webinar recording Spanish:
Read the full Notice of Funding Opportunity on the ERA program here
To sign in or register and create a login with OCED, go to the Log In page
USDA: High Energy Cost Grants
The High Energy Cost Grant program assists energy providers and other eligible entities in lowering energy costs for families and individuals in communities with extremely high per-household energy costs (275 percent of the national average or higher.) The funds may be used to finance the acquisition, construction or improvement of facilities serving eligible communities.
Eligible Applicants: Most retail or power supply providers serving an eligible rural community, including: for-profit and nonprofit entities; state and local governmental entities and Federally recognized Tribes.
Eligible communities must demonstrate annual average household energy cost exceeding 275 percent of the national average under benchmarks published in the 2025 High Energy Cost Grant Funding Opportunity Announcement.
Eligible areas must be located in the United States, U.S. Territories, or areas eligible by law to participate in USDA Rural Utilities Service Programs.
Deadline: February 28, 2025
DOE: Large Animal and Solar System Operation (LASSO) Prize
The LASSO Prize, funded by the Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office, offers cash prizes to multi-stakeholder teams to support pilot and demonstration projects that co-locate photovoltaics (PV) and cattle grazing operations (cattle agrivoltaics). The prize also aims to support relationship-building between the solar energy industry and agricultural communities to generate best practices.
Award Amount: Up to $8,200,000
Eligible Applicants: US based individuals and organizations, including solar developers, ranchers, and farmers.
Deadline: March 6, 2025, 4:00pm CST
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT): Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program
The Program provides funding for planning and design phase activities for rural and Tribal infrastructure projects. This program will award grants for either the hiring of staff or the procurement of expert firms to provide financial, technical, and legal assistance with project-related planning and design phase activities. The program is administered by the Build America Bureau (the Bureau). Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible applicants. DOT seeks to support projects that are consistent with its strategic goals: safety, equity, climate and sustainability, and workforce development, job quality, and wealth creation.
Eligible Applicants: Rural local governments or political subdivisions, states, Federally recognized tribes, and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.
Not sure if your project is rural?
Your project is eligible if:
- The project is not in a Census Bureau 2020 designated urban area.
- OR – The project is in a Census Bureau 2020 designated urban area with a population of 150,000 or less.
- Your project is not eligible if it is in a Census Bureau 2020 designated urban area that has a population of more than 150,000 people.
For more information on eligibility, visit: Rural Eligibility | US Department of Transportation.
Deadline: Applications will open on March 4, 2025, 1pm CST and close April 3, 2025, 3:59pm CST
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities
FEMA published the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Notice of Funding Opportunity, totaling $750 million in available funding. These funds will help state, local, Tribal and territorial governments address high-level future risks to natural disasters, foster greater community resilience and reduce disaster suffering. The BRIC program aims to categorically shift the federal focus away from reactive disaster spending and toward research-supported, proactive investment in community resilience. Examples of BRIC projects are ones that demonstrate innovative approaches to partnerships, such as shared funding mechanisms, and/or project design.
Eligible Applicants: County governments, city or township governments, native American Tribal governments (Federally recognized), native American Tribal (other than Federally recognized Tribal governments).
Deadline: April 18, 2025
Full Notice of Funding Opportunity
DOE: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program
$550 Million in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is available to support community-based clean energy to lower fossil-fuel emissions and energy use in Tribal and local governments through US DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program.
Eligible Applicants: State/local governments and Tribes
States Local Governments Application Due: extended to October 31, 2024.
Tribal Applications Due: extended to May 31, 2025
DOE: Tribal Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) Program – $225 million
This program provides funds to tribal governments for home electrification and appliance rebates. HEAR funds will provide rebates to low- and moderate-income households installing efficient electric technologies.
Eligible entities: Tribal governments
Letters of Intent Due: May 15, 2024
Rolling Applications Due: May 31, 2025
More information
Tribal Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Fact Sheet
Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) Webinar
DOE Tribal Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Program Office Hours
DOE Building Codes Formula Funding for States and Territories – $400 million
This IRA program provides funding for adopting and implementing building energy codes that reduce utility bills, increase efficiency, lower greenhouse gas emissions that fuel the climate crisis, and make buildings more resilient to climate disasters.
Eligible Entities: States, territories, and units of local government that have the authority to adopt building costs
Deadline: Full applications due September 30, 2025
Coming Soon – Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) Planning for Clean Energy Transition – $5 million
This planned opportunity intends to provide financial support to TCUs to plan the transition of their campuses to clean energy. The NOFO is expected to release late summer 2024.
Eligible Entities: Tribal colleges and universities
Deadline: To be determined
Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program
Communities throughout six Midwest states (including Wisconsin) will receive a major infusion of federal support for environmental justice projects over the next three years, thanks to a new program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that is directing $50 million to a partnership serving the Great Lakes region. The Minneapolis Foundation, in partnership with the Midwest Environmental Justice Network (MWEJN), NDN Collective, and RE-AMP Network, has been selected to serve EPA Region 5 states as one of 11 grant makers nationally in its new Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking program. The partnership aims to distribute 30% of grant funding through this program to Indigenous communities, 25% to rural and 45% to urban areas to address local environmental and public health issues of underserved communities.
Subgrants will be distributed to community-based nonprofits and other eligible organizations in three concurrent tiers:
- Tier One: Grants for $150,000 for assessment.
- Tier Two: Grants for $250,000 for planning.
- Tier Three: Grants for $350,000 for project development.
More information about the grants will be announced in 2024 as the process is developed for the region. Press release
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs: Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development Program
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy issued two Notices of Intent (NOIs) to release a combined $30 million in Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). The Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development Program provides grants to advance clean energy projects on Tribal buildings or Tribal lands.
This program supports three types of projects, aimed to:
- Conduct Tribal clean energy planning.
- Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology on Tribal lands.
- Conduct clean energy project design and development activities for deployment on Tribal buildings or Tribal lands.
Award Amount: $100,000 – $2,500,000
Eligible Applicants: Tribal governments and energy development organizations
Deadline: TBA (Funding opportunity coming out soon)
NOAA Climate Smart Communities Initiative
This grants program is focused on assisting communities on the front lines of the climate crisis across the United States. This program will work with communities to co-develop equitable climate resilience plans that are ready for funding and implementation. The priority will be to assist communities that are at the highest risk to climate impacts and have the most need for assistance. The four-year initiative will provide direct support to communities through a competitive grantmaking program, and offer other resources, including a dynamic training program for community leaders and resilience practitioners; an online registry to help match interested communities with qualified practitioners; and a Knowledge Sharing Platform.
Eligible Applicants: To apply, the community must be facing significant climate-related challenges, based on environmental as well as socioeconomic considerations. If the proposed work is local in scope, the population of the community should be less than 300,000 residents. If the proposed work is regional, areas with up to 500,000 residents will be considered.
Applicant Team Required: An application must be submitted by an “Applicant Team,” composed of a climate adaptation and resilience professional (“adaptation professional”), at least one community-based organization (CBO), and at least one government partner.
- The adaptation professional must be an organization or sole practitioner that has been accepted into the Registry of Climate Resilience and Adaptation Professionals prior to the start of the project.
- The CBO(s) must be a non-profit organization, local university, informal community leader, or other non-governmental or community-serving institution that can help ensure the perspectives and priorities of the broader community are well-represented throughout the process.
- The government partner(s) must be a town, city, county, district, regional or Tribal government, or a special planning commission that can authorize the implementation of projects aimed at advancing the climate resilience of the community.
- January 10, 2025 Communities that wish to be matched with an adaptation professional should complete and submit the community sign-up form as soon as possible, and no later than 7:00PM CST on this date. Communities that are already matched with a practitioner have until March 3 to complete all application steps.
- February 3, 2025 Communities that wish to be matched with an adaptation professional will receive a list of candidates to consider
- March 3, 2025 Applicant Teams must submit their final applications no later than 7:00PM CST
EV Tax Credit Becomes An Instant Rebate
The Treasury Department issued guidelines for consumers to get the federal Electric Vehicle (EV) tax credit as an instant rebate at the dealership beginning January 1, 2024 rather than receiving it as a credit when they file their taxes the following year. A new EV can be up to $7,500 cheaper the day you purchase the vehicle and a used clean vehicle $4,000 less. Consumers should check to see which vehicles are eligible for the credit.
The guidance provides additional information on registration requirements and how the mechanics of this transfer will work for car dealers. US Dept of the Treasury
Justice40 Initiative Covered Programs – $118 Billion
A 2021 Executive Order on Justice40 directs that 40% of the benefits from BIL and IRA investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, or overburdened by pollution. $118 B is earmarked for 74 federal funding opportunities across 19 federal agencies.
Justice40 Initiative Covered Programs List from the Whitehouse, November 2023
Solar on Schools Grant
Through a vision and generous support from the Couillard Solar Foundation, MREA launched Solar on Schools to provide year-round resources and grants to Wisconsin K-12 schools and select colleges pursuing solar PV systems.
- Grant: Wisconsin schools and colleges can apply for an in-kind module grant per school building installing solar. Grants are awarded up to 50 kW DC with a corresponding value of $20,000.
- Resource Center: They have compiled case studies, RFP and other templates, guiding documents, finance modeling tools, expert-presented videos, a WI school peer network and more to help schools Solar Planning Teams develop and execute a solar project.
For more information and Couillard Solar Foundation
Focus on Energy: 123 Rural Energy Audits
Work with your area Energy Advisor (there are 8 across WI) who will provide a list of energy efficiency projects for your home. If done in the order provided, additional incentives will be provided.
Project completion by October 2026.
Rural Renewable Solar Electric ZIP Codes eligible rural zip codes
Tax Credits & Rebates for Home Energy Upgrades
Wisconsin residents that make energy efficiency upgrades where they live may be eligible to receive income tax credits from the federal government as well as rebates from WI Focus on Energy (this applies to all WI residents regardless of utility). Scroll down the Focus table of Available Credits and Rebates to calculate the reduced cost of each improvement.
BCPL Funds School Clean Energy Projects
The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL) makes loan funds available to Wisconsin School Districts for school energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The Board recognizes the economic materiality of climate change and potential impacts of climate change on investments. BCPL manages $1.2 billion in State Trust Funds that benefit K-12 public schools and the University of Wisconsin.
For more information about the funding opportunity. Direct questions to BCPL Loan Officer.
Upcoming Deadlines
February 12
February 14
DOE: Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystems Benefits 2 (SolWEB2)
February 27
OCED: Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA)
February 28
USDA: High Energy Cost Grants
March 3
NOAA Climate Smart Communities Initiative
March 6
DOE: Large Animal and Solar System Operation (LASSO) Prize
April 3
DOT: Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program
April 18
FEMA: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities
Justice40 Initiative Covered Programs – $118 Billion
74 Inflation Reduction Act grant, rebate, loan, and other funding programs covered by the Justice40 Initiative add up to over $118 billion in federal funding from 19 federal agencies.
Grants and Funding is a searchable database by the Environmental Justice Technical Assistance (EJ TCTAC) Network, an initiative of US EPA and US DOE. It’s designed to help your organization find grants and how to apply for them.
WI Green Bank Funding for Infrastructure Projects
Organizations involved in designing, building, owning, financing, or operating public or private infrastructure projects focused on low-income and underserved communities that are interested in clean energy financing, contact WEDC to explore how Wisconsin’s Green Innovation fund (GIF) can support your projects.
Tax Credits & Rebates for Home Energy Upgrades
Wisconsin residents that would like to make energy efficiency upgrades where they live may be eligible to receive rebates from WI Focus on Energy (this applies to all WI residents regardless of utility) and/or income tax credits from the federal government. For more information on income-based rebate eligibility and for program details, see Wisconsin IRA Home Energy Rebates page by Focus On Energy. See the Focus table of Available Credits and Rebates to calculate the reduced cost of each improvement. Note: ask your contractor in advance to provide bids on federal and state qualified equipment only and the required calculations, forms, and receipts.
Residential Rebate Finder
For more information on income-based rebate eligibility, use the Residential Rebate Finder tool. By entering a household’s income and location you will learn what energy efficiency upgrade programs or energy assistance funding program(s) you are eligible for and how much you qualify for.
New EJ Communities Grantmakers
In EPA’s Great Lakes region 5, The Minneapolis Foundation will award $40 million in federal environmental justice grants to organizations working in and for underserved communities. The Grantmakers will provide grants to community-based nonprofits and other eligible subrecipients for assessment, planning, and project development activities.
Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA)
The ERA program, by the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, will fund clean energy projects that deliver measurable benefits to energy customers in rural or remote areas (10,000 or less population), support new rural or remote energy system models, and build clean energy knowledge, capacity, and self-reliance in rural America. In Wisconsin, this encompasses 472 communities and 5 counties.
State Funding Resources
- Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL)
- Focus on Energy
- PACE Wisconsin
- PSC Office of Energy Innovation
- Couillard Solar Foundation
- Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA)
- Office of Rural Prosperity (WEDC)
- RENEW: Solar for Good
- WI Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)
- Wisconsin's Green Innovation Fund
Grant Writing Basics Blog Series
Get tips and advice for writing federal grant applications through the Grant Writing Basics Blog Series by The goal of the trainings is to provide the essential basics to begin writing.
Blog Series Topics covered include:
- Prepare for Reporting Requirements
- Peer Review Panels and the Federal Grant Application Evaluation Process
- Understand the Funder Before Writing
- How To Start Working on Future Funding Opportunities
- Tips to Avoid Last Minute Problems
- Additional Tips
Clean Energy Funding Webinar Series 2023
Past Funding Opportunities
DOE: Wind Turbine Recycling Program
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) announced the Wind Turbine Technology Recycling Funding Opportunity, which will invest up to $20 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This funding opportunity will help address the technological and supply chain challenges that currently limit recycling of fiber-reinforced composites and rare earth element magnets in wind turbines; accelerate the creation of designs that are more easily recyclable and reusable; and speed up the development of end-of-life processing technologies to cost effectively, sustainably, and efficiently recycle and recover materials from wind turbines, including manufacturing waste.
Topic Area 1: Enabling Sustainable Wind Turbine Components
This topic will support projects to de-risk sustainable and recyclable wind turbine component designs and materials and accelerate broad commercial acceptance of these designs.
Topic Area 2: Enabling Wind Turbine Material Recycling and Reuse Processes
This topic will support the demonstration and commercialization of material processing technologies and techniques that can be applied at commercial scale to wind turbine materials.
Topic Area 3: Recycled and Recyclable Material Qualification
This topic seeks to develop a research collaborative to provide a key mechanism to qualify and certify new recycled materials that are relevant for wind energy technologies.
Eligible Applicants: Institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, nonprofit entities, state and local governmental entities, and Indian Tribes.
Deadline: Passed
Full application submission due February 11, 2025,4pm CST
Full Notice of Funding Opportunity
DOE: Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development
Under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the DOE Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations to:
Topic Area 1: Conduct clean energy planning.
Topic Area 2: Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology.
Topic Area 3: Conduct clean energy design and development activities.
DOE expects to make approximately $25 million of federal funding available for new awards under this FOA. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on Congressional appropriations. DOE anticipates making approximately 20 to 40 awards under this FOA. DOE may issue awards in one, multiple, or none of the Topic Areas.
Eligible Applicants: DOE’s Office of Indian Energy will only consider
applications from: (1) an Indian Tribe; (2) Intertribal Organization, or (3) Tribal Energy
Development Organization; and (4) on whose Tribal Building(s) and Tribal Lands the assessed project(s) will be located. Applications from a consortium of Indian Tribes (Tribal Consortium) will be accepted but must be submitted by a single Indian Tribe acting as the Applicant representing the Consortium. Applications may also be submitted on behalf of Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is supplied as part of the application.
Deadline: Passed
Full application submission due February 6, 2025, 4pm CST
Responses to questions are posted to the FAQs webpage.
DOE: Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize
The American-Made Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize is a multimillion-dollar prize competition designed to equip coalitions with tools to ensure that clean energy programs and investments result in good jobs and greater access for target populations. This competition involves three phases and coalitions must compete and win in Phase One of the prize to qualify to compete in Phase Two and Phase Three of the prize.
Phase One: Coalition Formation – Cash Prize Amount: $50,000
Phase Two: Coalition Action Plan – Cash Prize Amount: $100,000
Phase Three: Implementation and Impact – Cash Prize Amount: $125,000 – $300,000
Eligible Applicants: Coalitions of partners (labor organizations, clean energy employers, community-based organizations, public agencies, education and workforce training providers)
Deadline: Passed
Phase One Due: January 31, 2025, 4:00pm CST
Informational Webinar: October 3, 2024, 2:00pm CST
EPA: Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebate Program
The 2024 funding opportunity of this multi-year program of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will award up to $965 million in rebates or up to $325,000 per bus for up to 50 school buses per applicant. Apply to receive funding for the purchase of zero-emission (ZE) and/or clean school buses (propane or compressed natural gas), and the purchase and installation of ZE charging infrastructure. Selected applicants also may use their awarded rebate funds for workforce training, consulting costs for bus deployments, and bus warranty costs.
Visit the Clean School Bus Webinars webpage to watch recordings of how to apply programs and for other resources (scroll down to 2024).
Resources and Free Technical Assistance Available for all Applicants
The EPA will provide support to all potential applicants, including by working with the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation to provide free technical assistance for planning and deploying new clean school buses.
More information: the CSB Technical Assistance webpage and
Resources on planning for electrification : Coordinating with Electrical Utilities page.
Eligible Applicants: Public school districts, Indian tribes, tribal organizations, tribally controlled schools, and third parties with the capacity to sell, lease, license or contract for service clean or ZE school buses.
Deadline: Passed
January 14th, 2025, 3:00pm CST
Climate United Next Grant Opportunity
Climate United announced Climate United NEXT, a pre-development grant program to help underserved and low-income communities deploy the next generation of clean energy projects. Leveraging its $6.97 billion award from the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Clean Investment Fund, Climate United is launching this new, innovative program to provide up to $30M in technical assistance and planning support for community-led projects that increase energy independence and resiliency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution, and save money. Pre-development grants of up to $300,000 will be awarded over the course of multiple application rounds.
Eligible Applicants: Non-profit organizations, state and local government entities, Indian tribes, and Institutions of Higher Education.
Deadline: Passed
Applications for the first round of grants are due January 10, 2025, with awards announcements planned for late February.
To learn more and apply, visit the link here.
EPA: Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program
The Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities program works with local communities across the United States, including tribes and territories, to develop smart growth solutions and strategies in ways that benefit human health and the environment. The program uses an inclusive and locally-led process that strengthens local capacity, facilities partnerships and creates a path forward to achieve community-identified goals.
The benefits each community gets from the process vary by project and are specific to the community. Some common benefits include:
- Engagement with residents and stakeholders around a specific topic, which yields valuable feedback and ideas as well as creating buy-in and community spirit around proposed initiatives.
- Creation of key partnerships and relationships both within the community and with state and federal staff and programs.
- The creation of a locally driven and expert-guided action plan that is both attainable and ambitious.
Deadline: Passed
Letters of interest due December 12, 2024 by 4pm CST
Learn more from the EPA’s website here
Building Blocks Toolkits and Strategies
DOE: Clean Energy Careers for All Program
Clean Energy Careers for All (CEC4A) will fund nearly $3 million in initiatives aimed at developing a diverse clean energy workforce by targeting a wide variety of groups within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Up to 10 organizations will be awarded approximately $300,000 during Phase 1 of the program.
Eligible programs will be focused on some or all of the following criteria:
- Facilitating work-based learning opportunities (like internships, apprenticeships, or other job-based experiences) with industry partners.
- Providing career coaching and mentorships (including soft skills development).
- Enhancing education and curriculum development.
- Providing career exposure (virtual exposure or in-person visits) to stakeholder groups at multiple levels of the clean energy workforce pipeline.
Eligible Applicants: non-profit educational organizations, including engineering, scientific, and technical societies to support programs that promote the awareness and interest in clean energy careers among K-12 and university students, alumni and academic professionals, veterans, and formerly incarcerated individuals.
Deadline: Passed
Phase 1 submissions due on Friday, December 13, 2024, 4:00pm CST
To learn more and to apply, visit the link here.
EPA: Training and Technical Assistance to Help Small and Rural Communities Protect Public Health, Drinking Water, and Local Waterways
The EPA announced funding of up to $30 million for technical assistance and training to support small drinking water and wastewater systems, many serving rural communities, and to help private well owners improve water quality. The EPA expects to award four to five cooperative agreements.
Eligible Applicants: Nonprofit organizations, nonprofit private universities and colleges, and public institutions of higher education.
Deadline: Passed
November 25, 2024
EPA: Community Change Grants – $2 Billion
EPA’s Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants program (Community Change Grants) offers approximately $2 billion dollars in Inflation Reduction Act funds for environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges. These place-based investments will be focused on community-driven collaborative efforts that involve and are responsive to community and stakeholder input.
Applications can be under one of two tracks and a lead applicant can submit up to 2 grants:
Track I- Community-Driven Investments for Change with awards of $10-20 million each (~120 awards)
There are specific target investment areas for tribes ($300 million) and for unincorporated rural communities ($50million) within this.
There are 6 requirements that must be addressed in the application: Climate Action Strategy; Pollution Reduction Strategy; Community Engagement and Collaborative Governance Plan; Community Strength Plan; Readiness Approach; and, Compliance Plan.
The threshold eligibility criterion in Section III.D.4 regarding the Project Area Map has been revised
- Appendix A regarding the Project Area and Project Area Map has been revised including:
- Requiring a map for Track I applications addressing farmworker communities and disadvantaged unincorporated communities as defined in Appendix A.
Tack II – Meaningful Engagement for Equitable Governance with awards of $1-3 million each (~20 awards)
These initiatives will facilitate the engagement of disadvantaged communities in governmental decision-making processes that impact them to advance environmental and climate justice.
Eligible Applicants: a partnership between 2 community-based nonprofit organizations (CBO) or, a partnership between a CBO and one of the following: a federally recognized Tribe, local government, or institution of higher education.
Due Date: Passed
EPA was accepting applications on a rolling basis with applications due on or before November 21, 2024, 10:59pm CST (if there are funds remaining).
Initial award selection began March 2024 with those projects to start June 2024.
Grant duration: 3 years maximum
CCTA Reminders and Office Hours
The Community Change Technical Assistance (CCTA) program is continuing to offer reminders and office hours to help communities complete and submit grant applications.
Find the September updates to the CCG FAQs here on the EPA website
Track II Communities: The EPA announced the release of the final Achieving Health and Environmental Protection Through EPA’s Meaningful Engagement Policy
The deadline to request new Technical Assistance has closed, but helpful tools and links can be accessed under the Resources tab on the Community Change Grants TA website
Learn more:
To attend EPA webinars on the grants see CCTA Webinar Series below.
To listen to the recorded EPA Webinar about the Notice of Funding (NOFO), view recording December 7, 2023.
To learn about future webinars and resources go to Inflation Reduction Act Community Change Grants Program
Community Change Grant Resource Library: This collection of online resources includes workbooks, training videos, templates, and other useful tools to help support CCG applicants with every aspect of applications.
Environmental Protection Network’s Application Guides for Community Change Grants: This comprehensive and easy-to-navigate guide for both Track I and Track II applications includes templates and sample narratives, outputs and outcomes examples, evaluation criteria worksheets, and more!
Key links/Resources:
- View Past CCTA Webinars
- Main EPA grant website: Inflation Reduction Act Community Change Grants Program
- Biden-Harris Community Change Grant Program NOFO announcement (Summarizes NOFO)
- NOFO: Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program
- EPN’s Suggested Six-Step Guide for EPA’s Community Change Grants
USDOE: Building Upgrades Inspiring Local Transformation (BUILT Nonprofits)
The Building Upgrades Inspiring Local Transformation (BUILT Nonprofits) opportunity will provide a total of $2 million for energy efficiency upgrades in community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Funds will support improvement projects that reduce energy use, lower carbon emissions, and generate short and long-term energy cost saving so that operational dollars can be redirected toward mission-critical work. Grants are for up to $100,000 with a 20% cost share that can be met by technical assistance.
Eligible Applicants: Nonprofits that own their own building
Deadline: Passed
November 12, 2024, 10:59pm CST
Eligible Upgrades Include:
- Insulation.
- Energy efficient lighting.
- HVAC upgrades to existing systems, may include installation of a 10 square foot pad for an HVAC system adjacent to a building foundation.
- Weather sealing and duct sealing.
- Energy/water-efficient residential and commercial appliances and equipment including but not limited to, grid-interactive building technologies, energy or water monitoring and control systems, thermostats, heat pumps, furnaces, air conditioners, and related software.
- Windows and doors retrofit and replacement.
- Electric appliances including replacement of appliances that utilize fossil fuels with electric appliances, such as heat pumps for water heating, air heating/cooling, electric dryers, and stoves.
- Energy-efficient commercial equipment, such as efficient refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, ice makers, fryers, ovens, and stoves.
- Roof repair or replacement including replacing decking material and roof, and/or changing roof material (e.g., shingles to metal).
- Electrical system upgrades required to enable energy efficient/clean energy. Measures limited to electric panel upgrades, updated wiring and conduit, grounding, and arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) and ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) breakers.
Informational Office Hours Session: October 30, 2024 at 1:00 PM CST
DOE: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program
$550 Million in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is available to support community-based clean energy to lower fossil-fuel emissions and energy use in Tribal and local governments through US DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program.
Eligible Applicants: State/local governments and Tribes
States Local Governments Application Due: Passed
October 31, 2024
Tribal Applications Due: extended to May 31, 2025
DOE: Solar Technologies’ Rapid Integration and Validation for Energy Systems (STRIVES) – $31 million
Projects funded under this opportunity will address near-term and long-term challenges in operating electric power grids with large deployments of solar energy systems and other distributed energy resources. This FOA has two topic areas: Robust Experimentation and Advanced Learning for Distribution System Operators, and Improved Simulation Tools for Large-Scale inverter-based resource (IBR) Transient and Dynamic Studies.
Eligible Applicants: State, local, and tribal governments, higher education institutions, and for-profit and nonprofit entities eligible as subrecipients.
Deadline: Passed
Full applications due October 17, 2024
PRO Housing: Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing
This program supports communities who are actively taking steps to remove barriers to affordable housing such as barriers caused by outdated zoning, land use policies, or regulations, inefficient procedures, or gaps in available resources for development, among others.
Award Amount: $1,000,000 – $7,000,000
Eligible Applicants: Local and state governments, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and multijurisdictional entities.
Deadline: Passed
October 15, 2024, 10:59pm CST
DOE: Solar Energy Supply Chain Incubator – $39 million
This opportunity will fund research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects that de-risk solar hardware, manufacturing processes, and software products across a wide range of solar technology areas.
Eligible Entities: State, local, and tribal governments, higher education institutions, and for-profit and nonprofit entities eligible as subrecipients.
Deadline: Passed
October 7, 2024
DOE: Energy Champions Leading the Advancement of Sustainable Schools Program (Energy CLASS)
The Energy Champions Leading the Advancement of Sustainable Schools program (Energy CLASS) is a strategic initiative from the DOE Renew America’s Schools Program promoting building and energy management in school districts across America. The program is designed to help some of the nation’s highest-need K–12 public schools with critical clean energy and health improvements by establishing, training, and supporting energy managers—or champions—in their districts.
Explore 35 hours of free on-demand training for school staff.
Apply for coaching and 1:1 expert advice on strategic energy management, project, development, funding pathways, and related topics.
Eligible Applicants: K-12 school districts
Deadline: Passed
October 4, 2024, 10:59pm CST
USDA: Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) – $21 million
USDA has reinstated REAP funding in Wisconsin from December 2023 through September 2024. REAP provides loans and grants for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements.
Eligible Applicants: Rural small businesses and agricultural producers
Due: Passed
September 30, 2024
For more information and grant application
To watch a video on REAP funding, see UW-Extension’s Ag Producers and Rural Businesses: Clean Energy Funding Webinar
DOE: Weatherization Assistance Program Enhancement and Innovation Grants – $36 million
This funding will expand the impact of DOE’s existing residential weatherization programs by utilizing leveraged resources and enhanced community partnerships to perform deep energy retrofits of low-income residential buildings and empower local community representation within the energy workforce. Applicants can apply for one of the three topic areas: multifamily housing, single family and manufactured housing, and workforce development.
Eligible Applicants: State, local, and tribal governments and non-profit organizations
Deadline: Passed
September 27, 2024
DOE Intertribal Organization Opportunity: Support for Tribal Clean Energy Communication and Engagement – $3.6 million
This opportunity will help federally recognized Tribes navigate and access DOE clean energy funding and technical assistance opportunities. Funding will support communication, internal organizational capacity-building, and engagement activities, with the goal of building long-lasting effective working relationships with Tribal elected leaders and, key staff, and DOE.
Eligible Applicants: Regional nonprofit intertribal organizations
Deadline: Passed
September 24, 2024, 2:00pm CST
DOE & EPA: Methane Emissions Monitoring and Reduction Program
The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a joint $850 million funding opportunity announcement to reduce methane emissions at existing oil and gas sites as well as develop new methane emissions monitoring and reduction technologies.
DOE and EPA plan to use funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to fund:
- Industry-led projects deploying existing methane reduction technologies at marginal conventional wells and other oil and natural gas sites;
- Industry-led projects with university and/or other research organization partners to scale-up and do field demonstrations of innovative emissions reduction technologies; and
- Establish five regionally-based university-led or consortia-led regional methane emissions characterization and monitoring projects using multi-scale data collection and analysis.
This solicitation follows previous joint DOE/EPA funding as a part of the Methane Emissions Reduction Program.
HUD: Green and Resilient Retrofits Program
The Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development provides direct loans and grants to fund projects that improve energy, water efficiency, or climate resilience of affordable housing. The Elements cohort is open to properties that are in the midst of a recapitalization transaction that includes utility efficiency, renewable energy, carbon emission reduction, and/or climate resilience measures. Elements funds can be used to add or preserve specific green or resilient items in the property’s scope of work.
Eligible Applicants: HUD-assisted multifamily properties
Application Due: Passed
July 31, 2024 10:59:59 PM CST
Additional Resources:
Introducing the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (57 min video) | Slides Presentation
GRRP’s new Participant Resources contains tools, training, and other resources to support participants who have been selected for GRRP awards under Elements, Leading Edge, and Comprehensive cohorts.
EPA: 2024 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grants Program
The EPA anticipates awarding up to $932 million in competitive grant funding under the 2024 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grants Program Notice of Funding Opportunity. The program is soliciting applications nationwide for a grant competition to fund the replacement of existing non-zero-emission Class 6 and 7 heavy-duty vehicles with zero-emission Class 6 and 7 heavy-duty vehicles.
Eligible Activities and costs for the 2024 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles grant program include:
- The incremental cost of replacing a non-zero-emission Class 6/7 heavy-duty vehicle with an eligible Class 6/7 zero-emission vehicle
- The purchase and installation of refueling infrastructure that will support vehicles replaced under this program
- Driver/mechanic training related to the maintenance and operation of new technologies, and vehicle warranties
- Costs directly related to the implementation, management, and oversight of the project, including recipient and subrecipient personnel and benefits, contractual services, consulting on vehicle deployments, travel, supplies, and indirect costs
Eligible Applicants: States; Municipalities, including public school districts; Indian Tribes; Nonprofit school transportation associations
Disadvantaged Community List for Wisconsin, EPA Region 5 (census tracts with: nonattainment for Ozone or PM 2.5, Severe or Extreme Nonattainment Area for Ozone, Air Toxics Concern, High Ambient Diesel Concentration)
Douglas County, Kenosha County, Manitowoc County, Milwaukee County, Racine County, Sheboygan County, Washington County, Waukesha County, Lincoln County
Eligible Vehicles
- Class 6 and Class 7 school buses
- Other non-school bus Class 6 and Class 7 vehicles, including (but not limited to):
- Refuse Haulers/Dump Trucks
- Class 6/7 Transit Buses
- Delivery Trucks
- Utility Trucks
- Bucket Trucks
- Other Box Trucks
Deadline: Passed
Wednesday, July 25, 2024 at 10:59PM (CST)
Webinar: Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program: Overview and How to Apply Presentation Slides (pdf) (Video Recording)
2024 CHDV NOFO (pdf) (April 2024)
Final Date to Submit Questions: Passed
Monday, July 8, 2024
Apply on EPA-R-OAR-CHDV-24-06 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program Grant Competition
DOE: Communities Taking Charge Accelerator – $54 million
The Department of Energy is funding projects that will expand community e-mobility access and provide clean reliable energy. This program will make strategic investments at the local level that address key barriers to expanding access to electrified mobility options for individuals without home charging; accelerate the transition to electrified fleets; and mature the implementation of managed charging systems to mitigate impacts and optimize usage of the grid.
Three topic areas of this funding opportunity include:
- Solving for No-Home Charging: Expanding Charging Access for Privately Owned E-Mobility – $23 Million
- Expanding E-Mobility Solutions through Electrified Micro, Light and Medium-Duty Fleets – $20 Million
- Managed Charging for Clean Reliable Energy – $11 Million
Eligible Entities: State, local, and tribal governments, higher education institutions, and for-profit and nonprofit entities
Concept Papers Due: May 20, 2024 4:00PM CST
Full Applications Due: Passed
July 16, 2024 4:00PM CST
For More Information
DOE Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Information Session Series
– Opportunity Basics
– Tips for a Strong Application
DOE: Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP)
Communities will receive technical assistance and direct funding to support energy resilience projects defined by their local priorities and goals, using expertise from energy analysts at national labs including NREL and regional partner organizations.
Eligible entities: Local and tribal governments, community-based nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations, special purpose districts, academic institutions, municipal utilities, and electric co-ops
Applications Deadline: Passed
July 10, 2024
DOE: Regional Resource Hubs for Purpose-Grown Energy Crops – $29 million
This funding opportunity will support the development of a domestic supply chain of alternative sources of carbon. R&D activities funded from this FOA will provide the foundations to transform purpose-grown energy crops, including both algal and terrestrial crops, into environmentally sustainable, conversion-ready feedstocks.
Eligible entities: Including, but not limited to, higher education institutions, businesses, tribal entities, labor organizations, and workforce education and training providers
FOA Concept Papers Due: March 14, 2024, at 4:00 PM Central
Full Application Due: Passed
June 13, 2024, at 4:00 PM Central
DOE: 2024 Renew America’s Schools Prize – $180 million
The Department of Energy’s Renew America’s Schools Prize will invest in school facilities that demonstrate the need for both energy improvements and financing, with a focus on Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that qualify as disadvantaged and/or rural. Eligible improvements – like new HVAC and ventilation systems, building envelope and lighting projects, alternative fuel and renewable energy technologies – will result in improved health outcomes, energy savings, and/or energy cost savings. The Prize Consists of three phases. Phase 1 competitors will build teams and curate lists of at least 10 schools and school facilities that demonstrate compelling need and eligibility for investment. Phase 1 winners will earn a cash prize of $300,000 and move on to Phases 2 and 3.
Eligible entities: Organizations or teams with the capacity to aggregate and manage projects across school facilities
Phase 1 Submission Due: Passed
June 13, 4:00pm CST
More Information
Review The Prize Fact Sheet
Attend Prize Office Hours – May 29, 1pm CST
Watch the Informational Webinar Recording or Review Slides
DOE: Communities Sparking Investment in Transformative Energy – $18 million
These grants will fund high-impact clean energy projects that deliver local benefits, spark additional investments, and advance community-identified energy priorities; and build local capacity and partnerships within communities through in-depth technical assistance and optional on-site Community Energy Fellows.
Eligible entities: Local or tribal governments representing disadvantaged communities, energy communities, or small- and medium-sized jurisdictions
Deadline: PASSED
May 31, 2024 4:00pm
View the FOA Announcement
Review FAQs
Webinar Presentation Slides
DOE: Clean Energy Technology Deployment on Tribal Lands – $50 million
This funding will install clean energy generating systems and/or energy efficiency measures for Tribal Buildings, deploy community-scale clean energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands, install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation, and power unelectrified Tribal Buildings.
Eligible entities: Tribal governments, intertribal organizations, and tribal energy development organizations
Applications Due: PASSED
May 30, 2024, 4pm CST
For More Information
Funding Opportunity Announcement
DOE Tribal Nations and Native Communities Resource Guide
DOE: Clean Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Training and Technical Assistance Awards – $24 million
This funding will establish new industrial training and assessment centers, as part of the Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC) network, across the United States to train students and incumbent workers for high-quality careers in clean energy, energy efficiency, and advanced manufacturing, and to help small and midsized manufacturers (SMMs) save money, reduce energy waste, and improve productivity.
Eligible Entities: Community and technical colleges, trade schools, union training programs, and apprenticeship readiness, apprenticeship, and internship programs
Full Application Due: PASSED
May 16, 2024
More information
IAC Workforce Training Office Hours – May 7
IAC Workforce Training OSS Recording
RENEW: Solar For Good Grants
RENEW Wisconsin’s 2024 Solar for Good grant cycle in partnership with the Couillard Solar Foundation will donate solar panels, solar canopies and funding for up to 75 panels for solar arrays smaller than 100kW, and up to 150 solar panels for solar arrays that are 100kW and larger. Awards offset up to 50% of the modules needed to complete projects.
Eligible Applicants: registered mission-based nonprofits; Priority given to organizations that work in areas of social justice, low-income communities, people of color, children or seniors, rural Wisconsin, education and new technology or innovation.
Grant Period: PASSED
April 1 – May 1, 2024
For more information and application materials
EPA: Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Phase II Implementation Grants – $4.6 Billion
There are two competitions for the CPRG Implementation Grants: a general competition and a competition for Tribes and Territories.
Eligible applicants can apply to receive CPRG Implementation grants to implement greenhouse gas reduction programs, policies, projects, and measures identified in a CPRG planning grant’s Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP).
For the general competition, individual grants will range between $2 million and $500 million. For the competition for tribes and territories individual grants range from $1 million to $25 million.
Eligible Applicants: States, air pollution control agencies, municipalities, Tribes, or groups of eligible entities that are covered by a plan developed with funding from a planning grant awarded under Phase I of the CPRG program.
General Competition Application Due: PASSED
April 1, 2024
Tribes and Territories Competition Application Due: PASSED
May 1, 2024
Learn more about the CPRG General Competition
CPRG Implementation Grants Training and Webinar Recordings
For training see EPN’s 6-Step Guide for Competition Application
DOE: Latest and Zero Building Energy Codes Grants Program – $530 million
This program provides funding for the adoption and implementation of the latest model energy codes, zero energy codes, building performance standards, and innovative codes that achieve equivalent energy savings to the latest model and zero energy codes.
Eligible entities: States, territories, or local governments with the authority to adopt building codes
Concept papers due: PASSED
February 9, 2024
Full applications due: PASSED
April 30, 2024
Learn more about the Latest and Zero Building Energy Codes Grant Program
DOE: Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling and Second-Life Applications Program – $37 million
This funding will reduce the costs associated with transporting, dismantling, and preprocessing end-of-life electric drive vehicle batteries for recycling, and recycling of plastic and polymer electric drive battery accessory components.
Eligible entities: State, local, and tribal governments, for-profit and nonprofit entities, and higher education institutions
Concept papers due: PASSED
February 7, 2024
Full applications due: PASSED
April 19, 2024
See DE-FOA-0003120 for more information
OEI: Rural Energy Startup Program – $2.33 Million
The Office of Energy Innovation (OEI) at the Public Service Commission (PSC) is administering Wisconsin’s Rural Energy Startup Program (RESP) funded by US DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG). This program is geared to Wisconsin’s disadvantaged rural and Tribal communities that aren’t eligible to apply for EECBG funds through DOE. RESP funds strategies to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency.
Projects must fall under one of three activities:
- Comprehensive Energy Planning
- Renewable Resource Planning
- Energy Audits and Building Upgrades.
Eligible Applicants: Wisconsin’s disadvantaged rural and Tribal communities. The specific communities that qualify for this funding are determined using several sources that have been rolled into a searchable Map app built for OEI. It includes maps that are based on census tract information using the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST), maps of Wisconsin rural areas by zip code and population size, and data from the Office of Management and Budget.
Due Date: PASSED Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, until funds are expended or March 29, 2024, at 1:30 PM Central, whichever comes first.
For more information RESP Webpage
Webinar that cover the program application instructions, Recording here, and slides here
Frequently Asked Questions
To learn How to Use the PSC Grants System
To receive updates from the PSC on RESP, subscribe to docket 9714-FG-2023.
DOE: Advancing the National Clean Hydrogen Strategy Program – $59 Million
The purpose of the office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Program is to create networks of hydrogen infrastructure and accelerate the use of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier.
Individual awards ranging between $250,000 and $10 million will aim to advance the fueling infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty (MD/HD) vehicles and other heavy transportation applications; develop and demonstrate hydrogen-based zero-emissions equipment for seaport facilities; address key challenges to sitting, permitting and installation; and improve community engagement and outreach to support environmental justice and ensure equitable deployment of clean hydrogen systems.
Applications are considered in two submission phases: a concept paper, and a full application. Only entities who have submitted the concept paper can submit a full application.
Eligible Applicants: State, local and tribal governments, for-profit and nonprofit-entities and higher education institutions
Concept Paper Due: January 26th, 2024
Full Application Due: PASSED – March 22nd, 2024
Learn More about the funding opportunity to advance the National Clean Hydrogen Strategy
EPA: Grant Funding to Address Indoor Air Pollution in Schools – $32 million
This funding opportunity will provide approximately $32 million (awarding four to six grants of $5 million – $8 million) to support five years funding for grants and other activities to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other air pollutants at schools in low-income, disadvantaged, and Tribal communities through the development and adoption of comprehensive indoor air quality (IAQ) management plans. There are four project areas:
- IAQ and greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Capacity Building targeting facility management staff, health officers, and key decision makers at K-12 schools and/or school districts in low-income and disadvantaged communities.
- The same for Tribal Communities
- IAQ and GHG Reduction Training and Education Campaign for facility management staff and health officers at K-12 schools and school districts in low-income, disadvantaged, and Tribal communities, and/or the development of qualified K-12 school staff necessary to execute comprehensive IAQ and GHG Reduction Plans.
- IAQ and GHG Reduction Research and Demonstration Projects in K-12 schools located in low-income, disadvantaged, and/or Tribal communities.
Eligible Applicants: States, territories, Indian Tribes, nonprofit organizations, and local governments and educational agencies.
Submit Optional Notice of Intent to Apply: February 22, 2024.
To allow for efficient management of the competitive grant process, EPA requests that applicants send an email to Include a project title, project area(s), the applicant’s name, and the expected funding amount that will be requested.
Applications Due: PASSED – March 19, 2024, 10:59 PM CST
Grant Support: through the Great Lakes Environmental Justice TCTAC. To help applicants, EPN, a collaborator on the EJ TCTAC, has created a suggested 6-step application process—including a suggested timeline. Go to #1 on EPN’s website for more information.
NOFO: Grant Funding to Address Indoor Air Pollution at Schools – updated January 24, 2024 (PDF)
Information Session 1 Webinar presentation slides (PDF); view recording
Information Session Webinar 2 Webinar presentation slides (PDF) (February 2024); view recording
WI OEI: Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP) – $7.8 Million
Wisconsin’s Office of Energy Innovation (OEI) Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP) opened November 30, 2023. The PSC allocated $7.8 million for EIGP at an open meeting November 3, 2023. The funds are through a DOE grant from the birpartisan infrastructure law’s EECBG program and the office of state and community energy programs (SCEP).
These funds support projects in 3 categories:
- Renewable Energy & Energy Storage – $3.4 Million
- Energy Efficiency and Demand Response – $3.4 Million
- Comprehensive Energy Planning & Microgrid Feasibility Studies – $1 Million.
Eligible Applicants: Municipalities, Universities, Schools, Hospitals, and Like Entities (MUSH Market): cities, villages, towns, counties, K-12 school districts, tribes, municipal water and wastewater utilities, municipal electric utilities, municipal natural gas utilities, electric cooperatives, University of Wisconsin System campuses and facilities, Wisconsin Technical College System, public or nonprofit hospitals, 501(c)(3) nonprofits, and manufacturers.
Due Date: PASSED – March 1st, 2024 before 1:30 pm CST.
Link to EIGP Application Instructions
EIGP Program Application Instructions Webinar slides here
For more information visit EIGP Webpage
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
To learn How to Use the PSC Grants System
To receive updates from the PSC on EIGP, subscribe to docket 9709-FG-2023
FEMA: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) – $1 Billion
The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program is an annual grant program for state agencies, county governments, local governments and Tribal Nations to implement long-term, cost-effective mitigation actions to reduce risk to infrastructure and communities. These funds will help address future risks from natural disasters, foster greater community resilience, and reduce disaster suffering. Local governments can submit subapplications to their state, territory, or tribal application agency to target specific projects to benefit their communities.
Eligible Applicants: states, territories and federally recognized tribal governments.
Eligible Subapplicants: local governments including cities, townships, counties, special district governments, state agencies, and federally recognized tribal governments.
Applications Due: PASSED – February 29, 2024
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Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Direct Technical Assistance
FEMA is providing wide ranging non-financial support through BRIC Direct Technical Assistance (DTA), including climate risk assessments, community engagement, partnership building, and mitigation and climate adaptation planning. Assistance can range from pre-application activities to grant closeout.
Interested communities and tribes should submit a BRIC Direct Technical Assistance Request Form to be considered.
Forms due: PASSED – February 29, 2024
Treasury & IRS: Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit for Solar and Wind
The Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program through the Inflation Reduction Act promote cost-saving clean energy investments in low-income communities, on Indian land, as part of affordable housing developments, and benefitting low-sincome households.
The bonus credit provides a 10 or 20 percentage point increase to the investment tax credit for qualified solar and wind energy facilities with a maximum net output of less than five megawatts (AC).
Eligible Applicants: Wind or solar project that will be completed within the next 12 months, are less than 5 MW, are:
- located in a Low-Income Community
- located on Indian Land
- part of a Qualified Low-Income Residential Building Project
- part of a Qualified Low-Income Economic Benefit Project
Due Date: PASSED – Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis through February 29th, 2024 for categories with remaining capacity. It is recommended to review the fact sheet and prepare to file for an allocation ASAP.
Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program | Department of Energy Justice and Equity
Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program / IRS
Low Income Communities Bonus (LICB) Fact Sheet
EPA: 2023 Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebate Program
EPA anticipates awarding at least $500 million in rebate funding with the potential to modify this figure based on the application pool and other factors.
Eligible applicants can apply to receive funding for the purchase of up to 25 zero-emission (ZE) and/or clean school buses, along with ZE charging infrastructure and eligible workforce development costs. Selectees may be eligible for Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax credits applicable to their bus and infrastructure purchases. For example, the Clean Vehicle tax credits for qualifying school buses are worth up to $40,000.
Priority Applicants: those that will replace buses serving high-need local education agencies, rural areas, Tribal school districts funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and public school districts receiving basic support payments for students living on Tribal land. In addition, EPA is committed to ensuring the CSB Program delivers on the Biden-Harris Administration’s Justice40 Initiative that at least 40% of the benefits of certain federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities.
Application Deadline: PASSED – February 14, 2024 before 3PM CST
For more information see online application portal
Clean School Bus Rebates: Online Application Forms
2023 Clean School Bus Rebates Program Guide
Joint Office Technical Assistance Helpline
Webinars about the CSB Program
IRS: IRA Elective Pay/Direct Pay Pre-filling Registration Assistance
The IRS held office hours (through Microsoft Teams) to help tax-exempt entities with the pre-filing registration process on the new IRA Pre-filing Registration Tool. Pre-filing registration is a required step for applicable entities and eligible taxpayers to take advantage of elective payment/direct pay or transfer of credits available in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
January 30, 2024 | 12-1 PM CST | Register Here |
February 2, 2024 | 12-1 PM CST | Register Here |
February 6, 2024 | 12-1 PM CST | Register Here |
February 9, 2024 | 12-1 PM CST | Register Here |
WI Office of Rural Prosperity: Thrive Rural Wisconsin
Thrive Rural Wisconsin ,a program by the Office of Rural Prosperity in the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), helps rural communities leverage IRA funding for sustainable energy projects. Management support will be provided by the Office of Rural Prosperity, also applicants will have the ability to apply for predevelopment funds through WEDC for projects.
Eligible Applicants: County economic development organizations, nonprofits, and tribal organizations that are based in communities of 10,000 people or fewer.
Application Due: PASSED – January 16, 2024
For Informational Webinar Recordings
ACEEE: Technical Assistance for Communities to Improve Rental Energy Efficiency and Housing Affordability
ACEEE’s Energy Equity for Renters initiative is offering no-cost technical assistance services for up to 10 local governments and community-based organizations (CBOs) to help tackle the challenge of reducing energy waste in rental housing. This opportunity will be available for communities seeking to improve the energy efficiency of rental housing while also preserving or expanding housing affordability. Reducing rental housing energy use is vital for tackling climate change. These homes are less energy efficient than others, consuming 15% more energy per square foot on average than owner-occupied homes and leaving one-third of renters struggling to pay high bills.
Technical assistance work must involve CBOs working alongside local governments to ensure that any initiatives supported through this work are community-driven.
Application Due: PASSED – Friday, January 5, 2024
For more information: Visit ACEEE website and for a link to the online application.
Contact with any questions.
USDOE: Communities Local Energy Action Program (LEAP)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Communities Local Energy Action Program (LEAP) will provide technical assistance services valued at over $18 million to support 24-32 communities to develop and advance their own community-driven clean energy transition approach. This is not a funding opportunity announcement; however selected communities may have the opportunity to receive funds (up to $50,000) for services rendered to help implement the technical assistance. Communities LEAP seeks to facilitate sustained community-wide economic empowerment through clean energy, improve local environmental conditions, and open the way for other benefits primarily through DOE’s clean energy deployment work.
DOE has designed this initiative with the aim of:
- Recognizing each community’s specific energy-related challenges and opportunities.
- Supporting community member and stakeholder leadership in designing and implementing actions to address those challenges and opportunities.
- Building toward long-term community economic and environmental change and a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable future.
Eligible applicants: low-income, energy-burdened communities that are also either disadvantaged or experiencing direct economic impacts from a shift away from historical reliance on fossil fuels. Multi-stakeholder applicant teams must include at least one Community-Based Organization and one local government or tribal entity.
Application Deadline: PASSED – December 14, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. CST. Selections are expected to be announced March 2024.
To learn more about the second phase of Communities LEAP, register for webinars, and submit an application, please visit
Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) National Grants – $115 million
DERA funding is intended to incentivize and accelerate the upgrading or retirement of the nation’s legacy diesel engine fleet. Eligible activities include the retrofit or replacement of existing diesel engines, vehicles, and equipment with EPA and California Air Resources Board certified engine configurations and verified retrofit and idle reduction technologies. EPA anticipates that approximately 4-10 cooperative agreements will be made per each of EPA’s ten regions subject to the availability of funds, the quantity and quality of applications received, and other considerations. Wisconsin is in EPA Region 5.
Eligible Entities: Regional, state, local, or Tribal agency, or port authority, which has jurisdiction over transportation or air quality. School districts, municipalities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), cities, and counties
Deadline: PASSED – December 1, 2023
CEC: Environmental Justice for Climate (EJ4Climate) Grant Program- $2 million
The EJ4Climate Grant Program by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) provides funding directly to community-based organizations and seeks to support environmental justice by facilitating the involvement and empowerment of communities searching for solutions and the development of partnerships to address their environmental and human health vulnerabilities, including those due to climate change impacts. The CEC is calling for project proposals that will advance community-driven strategies in support of environmental justice and community resilience to the impacts of extreme weather events in urban areas. Projects will be implemented in overburdened communities in urban areas. Projects should create partnerships, advance community resilience, ensure meaningful local participation, and include an action plan with measurable results.
Eligible Entities: Nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), civil society groups, environmental groups, community-based associations, faith-based organizations, tribal nations, and Indigenous Peoples and communities
Deadline: Proposals due: PASSED
November 9, 2023
For more information and to apply
DOE: Energy Futures Grants – $27 million
These grants will support community-led innovation, prioritizing planning and analysis to ensure the benefits of clean energy flow to disadvantaged communities. Awards will support at least 50 multijurisdictional partnerships for states/territories, local government, and Tribes.
Eligible Entities: State, local, and Tribal government partners nonprofit partnerships
Deadline: PASSED – November 10, 2023
For more information and application form
Public Comment on EIGP & EECBG Grant Programs Open through October 25
A Public Service Commission memo has been issued for public comment on the scope of both the 2023 round of Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP) and the scope of the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG).
Comments are due by 1:30 pm on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. Submit a comment here.
Location: The Commission meeting will be held at the Hill Farms Office building and broadcasted virtually through the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin’s YouTube channel
Subscribe to the program dockets (9709-FG-2023 for EIGP, 9714-FG-2023 for EECBG) using EZ-subscribe to receive updates
EPA: Solar for All Funding
Solar for All will award up to 60 grants to states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits to expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities primed for residential solar investment—enabling millions of low-income households to access affordable, resilient, and clean solar energy. The Solar for All competition is to create programs to tackle barriers -financial and technical- to disadvantaged communities to deploy solar on residential rooftops (single and multi-family) or community solar for residential customers up to 5MW where half the power goes to residents, and associated storage (for resilience) or enabling upgrades (to ensure dwelling is solar ready like energy efficiency upgrades). So, these are not grants for projects but for programs. Grant funds may be used for financial assistance (minimum of 75% in subgrants, loans, rebates), project deployment tech assistance (workforce development program, outreach & ed, project deployment assistance- permitting, siting, interconnection), and program administration and procuring services and tools.
Notice of Intent (NOI) Due: PASSED
August 14 for municipalities and eligible nonprofits; August 28, 2023 for tribal governments.
There are 5 items in the NOI. Number 3. Number & Type of Applications
a. Award option 1, 2, or 3. Local and tribal govts and eligible nonprofits and coalitions are in option 1 F
b. Program coverage – geography
c. Estimated EPA funding requested (can be changed in actual proposal). The “small” program: no less than $25 million -$100m in funding that supports the number of households the program is designed to serve – must specify the number of HH up to 10,000 for the small. Medium and large up to $400m.
Application Due: PASSED September 26, 2023 at 10:59 PM CST through
Solar for All Webinar recording
Solar for All Notice of Funding Opportunity
Direct questions to
Travel Support for Midwest Climate Resilience Conference October 25-27, Duluth, MN
A travel scholarship application is open to local governments, Tribal representatives, nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, and other community leaders to attend the Midwest Climate Resilience Conference hosted by the University of Minnesota. Conference themes include: Actionable Climate Science; Cascading Climate Impacts; Collaborative Climate Action; Creative Communications and Engagement; Equitable Adaptation; Financial Solutions; and Policy, Governance & Law.
Applications PASSED
Accepted through Friday, August 25.
Preview the scholarship application form (PDF).
USDOE: Renewable Energy Siting through Technical Engagement & Planning (R-STEP)
More Information Renewable Energy Siting through Technical Engagement and Planning (R-STEP) program
Proposal release September 12
This USDOE funding program is designed to support local communities and states in planning and evaluating proposed siting and development of large-scale solar, wind, and battery storage. The Renewable Energy Siting through Technical Engagement and Planning (R-STEP) program seeks to expand the decision-making capacity and expertise of state and local governments around large-scale renewable energy planning, siting, and permitting recognizing that siting is a hyperlocal issue with each community having different needs and priorities when it comes to hosting large-scale renewable energy facilities.
Applicants: “Collaborative” – a cross-disciplinary team that could include: state energy offices, governor’s offices, University Extension, universities, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations.
Funding: $1-2 million each for 5-7 state-based Collaboratives
Application period: PASSED
September 12 – November 3, 2023, 4:00 PM CST
Informational webinar: September 11, 1pm CST. To Register
Questions? Please contact ENERGYWERX:
RENEW: Solar for Good
The Fall 2023 Solar for Good grant cycle opens Friday, September 1, 2023. Winning organizations will be provided with up to 50% of the modules needed to complete their project of solar panels, solar canopies or project grants. Remaining modules (same brand/model) can be purchased from the Couillard Solar Foundation (CSF) while supplies last. The cost for additional panels at this time* will be between $0.50-$0.55 per watt (*NOTE: prices are subject to change). Grants for donated modules DO NOT include shipping costs. Modules available for donation for the Fall 2023 round will be Philadelphia Solar Phenex 540W bifacial modules. All proceeds from the sales of additional panels go back to providing grants and administration for Solar for Good and the Couillard Solar Foundation.
Cash grants are also available for the Fall 2023 cycle. Winning organizations can receive $150 for every 1 kW of solar energy installed (max of $10,000 for projects < 100 kW and a max of $20,000 for projects > 100 kW).
Eligible Entities: Wisconsin Mission-based nonprofits & houses of worship
Deadline: PASSED
Completed applications must be submitted by Sunday, October 1, 2023.
Links for Solar for Good
Design Tips FAQ by CSF is available for anyone interested in optimizing the donated bi-facial modules.
Solar Canopy Design: A brochure for CSF’s solar canopy designs. Consider a solar canopy for providing electricity and shading at places like parks, picnic areas, community gathering spaces, community pools, and farmers markets.
EPA Clean Communities Investment Accelerator – $6 billion
This GGRF grant competition for the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator (CCIA) will provide grants to support two-to-seven hub nonprofit organizations, enabling them to provide funding and technical assistance to public, quasi-public, not-for-profit, and non-profit community lenders working in low-income and disadvantaged communities—supporting the goal that every community in the country has access to the capital they need to deploy clean technology projects.
Eligible Entities: Nonprofit financing institutions that meet certain eligibility criteria (See Section III of funding opportunity for eligibility information)
Deadline: PASSED
October 12, 2023
EPA National Clean Investment Fund – $14 billion
This GGRF grant competition for the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) will provide grants to support two-to-three national clean financing institutions, enabling them to partner with the private sector to provide accessible, affordable financing for tens of thousands of clean technology projects nationwide.
Eligible Entities: National nonprofit financing institutions that meet certain eligibility criteria (See Section III of funding opportunity for eligibility information)
Deadline: PASSED
October 12, 2023
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Climate Resilience Annual Awards Program – $120 million
The BIA Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience (TCR) will make available approximately $120 million to federally-recognized Tribes and tribal organizations to increase climate adaptation and resilience capacity and support related Tribal planning and implementation efforts.
Eligible Entities: Tribes and Tribal organizations
Deadline: PASSED
October 13, 2023
2023 TCR Annual Awards solicitation
A recording of the FY2023 Annual Awards FAQ Webinar held on August 2, 2023 by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Tribes and Climate Change Program is available to view online.
EPA Tribal Support for E-Enterprise for the Environment, 2024-2029 –
EPA’s Office of E-Enterprise is offering $1 million in funding with the goal to support and enhance tribal participation in E-Enterprise by providing tribes necessary research, training, and technical assistance. The scope of work is broad and may involve supporting topics that relate to many environmental program areas including but not limited to air, climate, water, chemical safety, land clean-up and revitalization, enforcement and compliance, and environmental justice. EPA intends to award $1 million over 5-years to one recipient through a cooperative agreement.
Eligible Entities: Interstate, intrastate, states, local entities, public and private nonprofit institution/organization, federally recognized Tribal governments, U.S. territories and possessions, individuals/families
Deadline: PASSED
October 16, 2023
Informational Webinar: September 20, 2023, from 12:00-1:30pm CST. webinar for potential applicants using Zoom. Register for this webinar
Funding Announcement: EPA Tribal Support for E-Enterprise for the Environment, 2024-2029
USDA: REAP Grants & Guaranteed Loans
Rural Energy for America (REAP) guaranteed grants and loans of $2 billion over the next decade for rural ag producers and rural small businesses are now available (rural = population less than 50,000). Grants were increased through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to offset 40% of project costs and they cover both energy efficiency and renewable energy. Note: this does not cover residential farm energy projects (unless install second meter). Funding for underutilized renewable energy technologies for $303.8 million is included.
Due Date: PASSED
March 31, 2023, for Round 1 grants; for grants less than $20k and greater than $20k. $1million per applicant ceiling. Total $820 million available
Guaranteed loans on a continuous monthly cycle; up to $25 million per loan.
DOE Office of Indian Energy Powering Unelectrified Tribal Buildings – $15 million
Eligible Entities: Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organization
Through this funding opportunity, the Office of Indian Energy plans to deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy system(s) to provide electricity to unelectrified Tribal buildings.
For more information, visit the funding opportunity.