UW-Madison Division of Extension was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy as one of six states to receive a Renewable Energy Siting through Technical Engagement and Planning (R-STEP) grant. The goal is to empower local governments, tribes, and community members to actively shape renewable energy projects to open opportunities for community-wealth-building, local workforce development, and environmental benefits from the rapidly growing clean energy economy.
With this funding, UW-Madison Division of Extension launched the RESET (Renewable Energy Siting & Engagement for Tomorrow) program to help Wisconsin communities prepare and proactively plan for large-scale renewable energy plus energy storage developments.
Specifically, the grant is enabling UW-Extension, working with a collaborative of stakeholder organizations, to develop educational resources, workshops, tours, community engagement sessions and practical tools and programs to help communities prepare for and provide locally-meaningful input into renewable energy developments. Also, Extension will engage in research and collaborate with the other states in R-STEP to help drive federal research to address some of the unknown impacts to the land, water, wildlife and people in the siting, construction, and decommissioning processes.
Objectives of RESET
- Expand the decision-making capacity and expertise of state, local and tribal governments around large-scale RE planning, permitting, and siting.
- Educate and engage local stakeholders in communities targeted for large-scale RE projects plus storage so that future siting decisions are respectful of community values and a broad array of considerations including equity and justice.
- Inform our deliverables with the input of a robust WI collaborative established through R-STEP and further, with community input so that stakeholder concerns are addressed.