U.S. Department of Energy recognized the city of Milwaukee on November 6 for its leadership in the Department’s Better Buildings Challenge (BBC)–helping the city save on energy costs and cut greenhouse gas emissions. Director of BBC, Maria Vargas, met with city officials and business stakeholders to discuss program implementation progress and raising Milwaukee’s profile as a “Smart Energy Hub.” Through the Better Buildings Challenge, Milwaukee has pledged to reduce the energy intensity for five million square feet of city-owned building by 20 percent in 10 years. Since 2009, the city has already reduced its energy intensity by 10 percent. Some commercial building owners are following suit and benchmarking their building’s energy use, too. More information about Milwaukee’s program can be found here.
Nationally, more than 100 organizations, representing almos 2 billion square feet of commercial and industrial buildings and almost $2 billiion in energy efficiency financing, are partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy in the Better Buildings Challenge. For more information, click here. |