Nationwide Public Favors Solar and Wind Investments

In Gallup’s annual Environment poll, the majority of Americans wanted more emphasis on solar (79%) and wind (70%) with the least emphasis on coal (28%) as the domestic energy source. Sixty-five percent thought there should be more emphasis on natural gas as compared with oil (46%), nuclear (37%) and coal (31%). Support for natural gas however, dropped ten percentage points since 2013 followed by oil with a five percent drop. Solar energy received the highest support regardless of party (Republican, Independent, Democrat) and coal the least. The poll gauged support for wind, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and coal, interviewing 1,025 adults randomly nationwide. These results jibe with Zogby poll of 1,400 US homeowners who chose solar (50%) and wind (42%) as the energy sources most important to the US future regardless of party, followed by natural gas (33%) and energy efficiency (25%). Nuclear (14%) and coal (8%) were least favored.

In the US more than half of new electricity generation came from solar and wind in 2014. The 11-year compound annual growth rate for solar has been 52 percent with a 56 percent compound annual growth rate for LEED certified green buildings, reports Utility Dive (April 15, 2015). These polling and generation data point to a shift toward clean energy in the US. To view the results, see the Gallup poll and Utility Dive.