Extensions of the Federal Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credits (ITC), passed by the House and Senate in the budget bill and signed by the President on December 18, 2015, will create stability in renewable energy (RE) investments and will drive more development of RE projects by businesses and between local governments and the private sector, particularly for solar in Wisconsin. The stability will likely spur additional investment in renewables by utilities as well. The Renewable Energy ITCs include: a 3 year extension for 30% of Investments Tax Credit for solar, $0.023/kWh Production Tax Credit for wind; and a 1 year extension for other renewable energy technologies, which decrease over time.
While Wisconsin had its largest growth in solar power in 2015, adding a total of 7 megawatts, many are optimistic that 2016 will be another year of significant growth for the state’s solar industry. The decreasing cost of solar and the Clean Power Plan are other factors that will help drive clean energy investments in Wisconsin and nationally. Green Tech; USA Today, JS