Solar Group Buy Programs Proliferate

Affordable Solar, a solar advocacy group of the Chippewa Valley, is partnering with the Midwest Renewable Energy Association to facilitate a solar group buy in Eau Claire; and, RENEW Wisconsin, is working with Madison’s MadiSUN Group Purchase Program to help residents install solar electric systems affordably. Group buys reduce costs of materials and installation by coordinating and bundling the orders of many homeowners to get a bulk price on solar PV panels as well as on installation. The installer is selected through a competitive bid process relieving homeowners of much of the research and work. The partnering organization provides education and initial screening for solar access.

Further cost savings are available through Focus on Energy that provides up to $2,400 in incentives on solar installations and financing on 50 percent of a loan. In Madison, a Solar Energy Loan Program is being offered by the City partnering with Summit Credit Union and Focus on Energy to finance 100 percent of the cost of the solar system with a 15 year loan.