Combined Heat & Power Partnership & Awards

EPA’s Combined Heat & Power Partnership (CHP) includes energy engineers, equipment manufacturers, consultants, CHP project developers, and energy services companies (ESCOs), as well as energy policy advocates and federal, state, and local government agencies. There are five Wisconsin partners among the nearly 400 nationally, including Anguil Environmental Systems and Marathon Engine Systems– both equipment manufacturers, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration – an end-user, Johnson Controls– an ESCO, and Wisconsin Division of Energy – State government.

EPA runs the Energy STAR CHP Awards as well that recognize CHP systems that have demonstrated superior performance by using at least 10 percent less fuel than state-of-the-art separate heat and power generation. Four 2016 winners were just announced, none from Wisconsin or the Midwest. Medical centers, universities and military installations have been the most frequent winners. If your organization has a system and is collecting operating data, consider entering for 2017 and put Wisconsin on the map. You can review winners from this and past years and look up the format for data submission.