Wisconsin Local Government Summit on Energy and Resilience

The Wisconsin Local Government Summit: Leading the Charge is designed for municipal officials and staff, school board and committee members, and local energy groups to explore practical approaches and emerging issues in clean energy and resilience in Wisconsin communities. Hosted by the Wisconsin Academy, UW-Extension, Office of Energy Innovation, Counties Association, League of Municipalities and other partners, the summit, at UW Eau Claire, includes 2 days, each tailored to a specific audience.

Day 1 (April 23) for facilities managers, sustainability officers, energy committee members- a half-day of practical interactive breakout workshops on transportation, community resilience, workforce development, and energy efficiency. Day 2 (April 24) geared to local elected officials, includes local leadership and planning on advanced energy goals, solar energy financing, and energy systems of the (not too distant) future. Registration closes April 15.