MGE’s Saratoga Wind Farm Online; Solar Farms Under PSC Review

MGE’s 66 MW Saratoga wind farm in Howard County, Iowa is fully on line (See EnergyOnWI news, December 2018). The farmland that hosts the 33 turbines continues to grow crops. This project will move MGE toward their goal of supplying at least 30 percent of their energy from renewable sources by 2030. The project does not need the proposed Cardinal-Hickory Line to transmit the energy from Iowa to MGE. MGE

Further, to meet its renewable energy targets, MGE has proposals for 100MW of utility scale solar  before the Public Service Commission of WI (PSCW) for approval between the Badger Hollow Solar Farm in Iowa County and Two Creeks Solar Farm in northeastern Wisconsin. The PSCW will hod a hearing for oral arguments on the projects March 6. MGE