Wisconsin Ranks 18th in Solar Manufacturing & Solar Companies; 12th in Solar on Schools

The Solar Job Census 2018 reports Wisconsin’s 3,007 solar jobs rank 24th of 52 states (EnergyOnWI News, February 2019). The state analysis shows that Wisconsin solar installers account for 63.5% or 1,909 jobs, followed by 542 (18%) manufacturing jobs, 369 (12.3%) wholesale trade and distribution jobs, 100 (3.3%) operations and maintenance jobs, with 88 classified as other. Wisconsin ranks 18th/52 states in solar manufacturing jobs as well as 18th for its 205 solar companies.

The top ten counties for solar jobs cover all corners of the state and some in between. They include: Milwaukee (453), Waukesha (408), Jefferson (398), and Dane (391), Adams (137), Winnebago (92), Portage (72), Outagamie (69), Buffalo (67) and Florence (62). solarstates

Other items of note:

  • Wisconsin has 161 schools with solar installations (5.2% of schools) that ranks Wisconsin schools 12th nationally for solar. A searchable Solar Schools Mapshows where the schools are, date installed, the solar PV system size, and funding mechanisms used.
  • There are 8,887 homes powered by solar in Wisconsin.
  • The state’s average electricity price of 10.93 cents/kWh ranks 36/52 states.

To provide context for the solar jobs activity of each state, 9 solar policies are reported on. Wisconsin got grades of D for both its net metering and interconnection policies, has an old renewable portfolio standard with a 2015 goal, and no policies for 5 of them. Absent policies include: renewable portfolio standard carveouts, distributed generation, community solar, community choice aggregation, and legal status of third-party ownership (see Director’s Note above). Wisconsin does have Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) enabling legislation and active PACE commercial financing in 37 counties. statefactsheet