LEGO used 360 Gigawatt-hours of electricity to produce 75 billion LEGO bricks in 2016; and, in 2017 the company produced them with 100 percent renewable energy, reaching their goal three years early. Since 2012, LEGO has supported the development of more than 160 MW of renewable energy (including offshore wind). Recently, KIRKBI, the parent company of LEGO Group acquired a majority stake in Enerparc Inc., a US subsidiary of the German utility-scale solar developer, Enerparc AG. The total output from KIRKBI’s investments in renewable energy projects exceeds the total energy consumed by its factories, stores, and offices globally. While many of these investments involved offshore wind in Europe, KIRKBI began to support the growing solar market in the US through this acquisition. Enerparc U.S. already has 100 MW of PV capacity in operation. Globally, Enerparc has achieved 2.5 GW of PV capacity. PV Tech, Solar Industry Magazine