Puerto Rico to Transition to 100% Renewable Energy

Puerto Rico’s Governor signed The Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Resiliency Law on May 23 to combat climate change while preparing the island for severe climate impacts to come. It includes a commitment to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 with a 40 percent by 2025 goal that would result in a 50 percent cut in carbon emissions within five years. It includes reducing overall energy consumption by 1 percent a year to reach a 10 percent reduction by 2020 and reforesting by planting half a million native trees within five years. The Climate Change law follows April’s passage of the Puerto Rico Energy Public Policy Act that removes barriers to clean energy by requiring automatic interconnection and net metering for 25 kW systems and smaller, permit approval within 90 days for systems 25 kW to 5 MW, and net metering. With the devastation of the island by Hurricane Maria, Congress approved $1.4 billion in recovery aid that Puerto Rico can apply to building sustainable, resilient infrastructure including mini- and micro-grids. YaleUtility DiveCarribeanbusiness