The City of La Crosse unanimously passed a resolution to reach 100 percent clean, renewable energy and carbon neutrality by 2050 community-wide, to do their part to limit the impacts of climate change. Representatives from the city planning department, the Sustainable La Crosse Commission, and the Coulee Region Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 team drafted the resolution.
La Crosse is an Energy Independent Community that already was working toward generating 25 percent of their energy from renewables locally by 2025. In light of scientists’ emergency warnings about climate change impacts, recurrent and severe local flood events, and positive Economic and Health Benefits of 100% In-State Energy Production, that goal will become a milestone on their path toward 100 percent. Mayor Kabat is a signatory of the Mayors for 100% Clean Energy Endorsement and is a member of the Climate Mayors.
City projects already underway or planned to move toward carbon neutrality include energy efficiency upgrades to city building lighting, heating and cooling, solar installations, electric bus purchases, and methane conversion to renewable natural gas at the wastewater treatment plant. La Crosse is the seventh local government in Wisconsin (see Energy On WI News: May 2019, March 2019, July 2018, March 2017) to pass a 100 percent renewable energy resolution. La Crosse Tribune, Sierra Club, WKBT