The US Fish and Wildlife Service released a draft compatibility determination that would allow a new right-of-way through the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge for the Cardinal-Hickory Creek high-power transmission line. Approval for line between Madison and Dubuque, Iowa was granted in September (see EnergyOnWI News, August 2019) to ITC and Dairyland Power Cooperative.
The proposal would realign the transmission line rights-of-way north of the town of Cassville so that it follows and existing gravel road parallel to railroad tracks. The deputy manage for the refuge believes the project could help reduce habitat fragmentation and the project impacts. Renamed the Nelson Dewey crossing, the proposed crossing would join an existing substation near the abandoned Nelson Dewey substation.
Public comment on this use of the refuge will be taken from October 25 – November 26, 2019 by email or by mail. E-mail comments to: wpr, NWRS