Holy Cross Solar

The Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay are turning to solar to reduce their annual electricity costs.  Among the top 25 largest solar PV systems in the state, the Sisters’ 112-kilowatt (kW) solar photovoltaic system will generate over 147,000 kWh of electricity annually, equivalent to the electricity usage of 14 homes and enough electricity to reduce the Sisters’ utility costs by approximately 30 percent.  The solar PV system is expected to pay for itself in about 10 years through $500,000 savings in utility costs over the project’s 25-year lifetime.  The Franciscan community will provide educational opportunities by installing a walking path and educational plaques at the solar site explaining how solar power is captured and converted, and by adding a video of the construction of the solar PV system and a real-time power generation meter on the Sisters’ website.  The project was funded through a grant from Focus on Energy and contributions from members of the Franciscan community in Green Bay.
Green Bay, WI 6-2019
Photo courtesy of he Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross