A survey will be sent out the week of December 9 to Wisconsin’s 150 Energy Independent Communities* (EIC) by UW-Madison Extension and the PSC Office of Energy Innovation. With 6 years left to reach the energy independence goal of generating 25% of energy from renewables locally by 2025, we want to learn about EIC progress toward energy independence statewide and how we can help you to be successful.
Results will help us to target technical assistance, outreach programs, resources and funding opportunities to meet EIC needs going forward. And, your input will allow us to recognize the communities that have already reached and even surpassed their original goals, and those that are close.
*EICs are local and county governments, tribes and school districts that signed resolutions, mostly in 2009 and 2010, to generate at least 25% of energy for local government buildings, fleet and infrastructure from renewable energy locally by 2025.