The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), that puts on the Wisconsin the Energy Fair, is shifting gears this year. Having cancelled the fair due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MREA is redirecting their resources and leveraging all of their programs and partners to a regional call to action, they’re calling Rise Up Midwest!
In a release, MREA Executive Director, Nick Hylla, states, ”We see a critical need for state, local, and electric utility leadership throughout the Midwest to expand current programs, remove market barriers, and advance policies that facilitate the widespread deployment of energy efficiency and distributed energy resources to boost local investment, business growth, employment, and energy resiliency in rural and urban areas… At this critical time and with a limited window of opportunity, we believe that focusing our efforts on advancing “Main Street” clean energy investments will be of greatest service to our members, supporters, and neighbors.” MREA will be reaching out to a broad network of partners to grow the public education effort.