Assistance with Energy Bills

With the continuation of the COVID pandemic and Wisconsin still experiencing job loss (and the possible sunsetting of $600 unemployment payments from the federal government), many residents will likely be faced with this continuing hardship. Lack of electricity when children are expected to connect with schools virtually will pose an added burden on Wisconsin families.  When receiving a disconnection notice, customers can contact their utility to reach an agreement. If that doesn’t not work, contact the PSC at 1-800-225-7729.

For assistance with electricity and heating bills, go to the  Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP). Funding for this nationally and state subsidized program has been expanded and eligibility requirements changed in response to the pandemic. Another resource is  the Keep Wisconsin Warm Fund that helps the elderly, disabled and others with limited incomes pay their heating bills.  For more information and utility contacts, see Citizen’s Utility Board (CUB) website.