Federal Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credits Extended and Better Energy Storage Technology Act

Congress extended renewable energy tax credits for developers of solar, wind, fuel cell, geothermal, biomass and other renewable energy projects that will extend the higher tax credit rates and the start of construction. The 26 percent solar investment tax credit was extended for two more years through 2022 for solar projects that must generate energy within four years after start of construction and no later than 2025. It will drop to 22 percent in 2023. The wind investment tax credit for onshore wind was extended one year through 2021. For offshore wind and buildings that generate electricity from waste heat up to 50MW, a 30 percent investment  tax credit  was authorized for projects that begin construction by 2025 . GTMUtilityDive

Also included in the COVID-19 relief package is the Better Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Act that addresses research, development, and demonstration programs relating to energy storage. utilitydive