Brown County Buys Prime Riverfront to Relocate Coal Piles

Brown County will buy nearly 44 acres of Wisconsin Public Service Corp’s Pulliam Power Plant to relocate the coal piles located on the valuable Shipyard District waterfront development. Ultimately, the purchase was made possible with the help of a $5000,000 Idle Sites Redevelopment grant awarded to the County in January by Governor Evers and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. These funds will be added to $2.2 million from the Port of Green Bay to expand the port. Brown County has until the end of calendar year 2021 to complete the purchase.

For over a decade, County Executive Troy Streckenbach had identified the importance of this land to economic development for Green Bay, Brown County, and northeast Wisconsin. The County Board agreed, voting unanimously to purchase the property at its February 17th meeting. Greenbaypressgazettegreenbaypressgazette