Department of Ag Seeks Public Input on Tackling the Climate Crisis

The US Department of Ag is seeking public input by April 29 from Tribes, farmers, ranchers, forest owners, conservation groups, firefighters, and other stakeholders on President Biden’s Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis.  Input is sought “…on how to best use Department of Agriculture programs, funding and financing capacities, and other authorities, and how to encourage the voluntary adoption of climate-smart agricultural and forestry practices that decrease wildfire risk fueled by climate change and result in additional, measurable, and verifiable carbon reductions and sequestration and that source sustainable bioproducts and fuels.” In  a Notice of Request for Public Comment on the Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,  it directs comments be submitted online via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to and search for the Docket No. USDA-2021-0003.

Related to energy,they seek comments specifically on:
A. How should USDA utilize programs, funding and financing capacities, and other authorities to encourage greater use of biofuels for transportation, sustainable bioproducts (including wood products), and renewable energy?

B. How can incorporating climate-smart agriculture and forestry into biofuel and bioproducts feedstock production systems support rural economies and green jobs?

C. How can USDA support adoption and production of other renewable energy technologies in rural America, such as renewable natural gas from livestock, biomass power, solar, and wind?