As solar and wind become the nation’s major power generation sources, a transition to home heating and cooling systems, appliances and vehicles that run on clean electricity is needed. Twenty-four million more electrified machines will …
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NOAA’s Climate Smart Communities Initiative to the Rescue
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has launched the Climate Smart Communities Initiative (CSCI) to help US communities at high risk of climate impacts and that most need assistance. They will receive assistance to …
Wisconsin Scores on Clean Energy Funding in the First Two Years of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
In the two years since the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) was signed into law, Wisconsin has garnered hundreds of millions of dollars for clean energy upgrades in addition to money for rural high-speed internet and …
Slipstream Awarded USDOE’s Building Upgrade Prize for Milwaukee Project
USDOE’s Buildings Upgrade Prize (Buildings UP) was awarded October 31st, 2023 to 45 entities across the US including Slipstream Group in Madison, WI. DOE provides more than $22 million in cash prizes and technical assistance …
EV Tax Credit Becomes An Instant Rebate
The Treasury Department issued guidelines for consumers to get the federal Electric Vehicle (EV) tax credit as an instant rebate at the dealership beginning January 1, 2024 rather than receiving it as a credit when …
Public Comment on EIGP & EECBG Grant Programs Open through October 25
A Public Service Commission memo has been issued for public comment on the scope of both the 2023 round of Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP) and the scope of the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant …
Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program to Spur Clean Energy Investments in Underserved Communities
A new program to spur clean energy investments in underserved communities under the Inflation Reduction Act was announced by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the Internal Revenue Service. …
The Smarter Small Buildings Campaign
The Smarter Small Buildings Campaign by the US Department of Energy, offers small- and medium-sized building owners technical assistance and recognition opportunities for improved HVAC controls in their buildings. Small- and medium-sized buildings served by …
Madison Among Most-improved in City Clean Energy Scorecard
ACEEE’s 2021 City Clean Energy Scorecard analyzed the efforts of 100 major U.S. cities grouped by population size and growth rate to make buildings and transportation more energy efficient and scale up the use of renewable …
Venture Funding Accelerates for EV Battery Startups: Workforce in EVs and Batteries Heats Up
The private sector is moving ahead rapidly with investments in batterries. In October, Toyota announced plans to build a $1.29 billion US battery factory. Ford will build three US battery factories in the US and an …