Global energy storage is estimated to grow to 358 GW/ 1 TW-hours or 20 times larger in the next 9 years according to the 2021 Global Energy Storage Outlook (November 2021) by Bloomberg New Energy …
Featured Newsletter Blog Post
Milwaukee County Hiring Energy Program Manager, Nov 1 Deadline
Milwaukee County invites applications for an Energy Program Manager (EPM) who will support and lead initiatives to achieve the County’s ambitious energy and emissions reduction goals. The EPM develops and implements energy conservation, energy efficiency, …
Farmers and Rural Businesses REAP Substantial Funding for Clean Energy
The Rural Energy for America Program or REAP would receive $2.5 billion over 10 years with the additional appropriations made by the Congressional Agriculture Committee September 9 (sec.12005, p29+) as part of the $3.5 trillion …
Federal Infrastructure Bill Would Provide $79 Million for Wisconsin EV Charging
The federal infrastructure bill would provide Wisconsin $79 million over 5 years for electric vehicle charging stations should it pass the House. It passed in the Senate in early August. This would be key to …
The Digital Age is Coming to a Building Near You
The US Department of Energy set a national goal to triple the energy efficiency and demand flexibility of the buildings sector by 2030, relative to 2020 levels. It is based on new smart technologies and …
Wisconsin Local Governments Form Climate Coalition
Communities with substantial climate goals have established the Wisconsin Local Government Climate Coalition ( in order to advocate for necessary changes to achieve their clean energy targets with the PSC, utilities, and statewide forums. Initial members include the Cities of …
Midwest Clean Energy Jobs Rebound Second Half of 2020, Wisconsin Ranks Fifth
The annual Clean Jobs Midwest report shows 677,919 clean energy jobs in 12 Midwestern states in 2020 with 69,343 in Wisconsin. This puts Wisconsin 5th in clean energy jobs following IL (115,133), MI (113,456), OH (103,437), and IN …
Lawns Become Greener with Market Upswing in Electric Lawn Equipment
The electric lawn maintenance movement is gaining ground as lawn care companies and individuals choose electric equipment to get the job done. The US market jumped in five years from 32 percent in 2015 to …
Summer 2021 Director’s Note
Stories of our power outages from extreme weather on our vulnerable energy infrastructure and their impacts on Wisconsinites were captured by local news media August 8-12, 2021: – Storms Leave Thousands Of Customers Without Power In Southeastern …
March/April 2021 Director’s Note
The tipping point to a clean energy economy is a big reason to celebrate this Earth Day. Clean energy remained the biggest job creator across the entire US energy sector in 2020 employing nearly three …