The US green building market grew to $260 billion in 2013 and accounts for 20% of all new US commercial real estate construction according to a study by Lux Research. The study, Cash is King: Assessing the Financial Performance of Green Buildings found that rental income or resale value along with government incentives make the financials work for green buildings delivering predictable internal rates of return of 5 percent and greater. Turner Construction’s 2014 Green Market Barometer survey shows “… that companies remain committed to constructing green buildings and value the financial benefits they provide building owners and occupants. Of increasing importance among survey respondents are the benefits that green buildings provide for employee health and wellbeing and for hiring and retention of employees.”
To learn more about the motivations that will influence the choice of technologies in green buildings, you can register for a webinar by Lux Research on December 2 entitled Green Buildings at Crossroads: From Environmental to Economic.