Germany to Phase-Out Coal by 2038

A government commission in Germany announced that the country will meet its 2030 and 2050 climate commitments (55 and 80 percent CO2 reductions below 1990 levels) through a shutdown of all 84 coal-fired power plants by 2038. Currently, coal supplies 40 percent of its electricity. Germany also pledged to close all nuclear plants by 2022 and has retired 12 of 19 thus far. Even with these new targets, Germany will achieve a 32 percent carbon reduction from 1190 levels by 2020, missing its previous commitment of 40 percent by 2020. It will miss its original coal phase-out target as well. The commission’s plan outlines a $45 billion investment to help coal regions and approximately 60,000 workers (20,000 of which are direct industry workers) with the transition. LA Times