Wood County 150 MW Solar Project Valued at $21 Million to Local Governments

At a public hearing on September 25th on the proposed Wood County and Town of Saratoga 150 MW solar farm, residents learned that the solar PV project could bring $600,000 into the local economy annually and power the equivalent of 40,000 homes. The township would earn approximately $250,000 annually and Wood County would receive $350,000 each year for 35 years, or $21 million. During construction, the project will support 300 local jobs.

Savion, the solar developer based out of Kansas, explained that the project, which began in 2018, needs to go through a 3-5 year development process that is underway of land acquisition, interconnection agreements, environmental studies, community outreach, and permitting before it would be under construction at the earliest in 2022. The project would be on over 1,200 acres of land of a 1,650 acre parcel that has a tree buffer and proximity to a transmission line. wrcitytimeswisconsinrapidstribune