Power Briefing: COVID-19 Updates March 2020 Director’s Note

These times we are in are unprecedented. This pandemic has most Wisconsinites and much of the nation at home, global supply chains slowed down, local governments in critical services mode, businesses struggling, and schools and Universities closed but adapting by teaching online. UW-Madison Extension is still at work by telecommuting, so I am writing this Power Briefing to you all from home to provide some timely information.

As energy is critical to the well-being and functioning of all in Wisconsin, be assured that Energy On Wisconsin Power Briefings and Newsletters will inform you about the status of energy and the clean energy economy in Wisconsin in this time of public health emergency. Please feel free to share any of this information with others in your communities, tribes, schools, businesses, institutions, and organizations. Also, please send news and your stories to me to share with others.

While in-person events are cancelled for the foreseeable future, Energy On Wisconsin will let you know about virtual programs like the one on solar markets and policies tomorrow. Events and funding are listed and updated regularly on the new Energy On Wisconsin website [energyonwi.extension.wisc.edu]. Please visit it and explore.

Thank you to the people working for Wisconsin’s utilities, munis and coops who continue to serve us, and to everyone helping to keep Wisconsin safe and functioning. Foremost, please keep yourselves and families healthy,

Sherrie Gruder