Safer At Home Exceptions for Energy

Governor Evers enacted Emergency Order #12, The Safer At Home Order, which went into effect March 25, 2020, in order to lessen the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It requires residents to stay at home and non-essential businesses and operations to cease. The exemptions that relate to the energy industry as listed under Section 10, Essential Infrastructure and under Section 13.n, Critical Trades.

It states “Essential Infrastructure shall be construed broadly” and identifies “… Essential Business and Operations construction, construction necessary for Essential Governmental Functions, and housing construction, except that optional or aesthetic construction should be avoided); building management and maintenance; airport operations; operation and maintenance of utilities, including water, sewer, gas, and electric (including power generation, distribution, production of raw materials, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-certified and registered drinking water and wastewater testing laboratories); Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, and Public Benefits Energy Assistance Program offices,…”  As solar installations are part of building construction projects, it seems that they would be included in the broad interpretation of essential infrastructure.

All the essential infrastructure business must meet Social Distancing Requirements between all individuals on the premises to the extent possible.

Critical trades listed that relate to energy include: Building and Construction Tradesmen and Tradeswomen, and other trades including but not limited to plumbers, electricians, carpenters, laborers, sheet metal,… operating engineers, and HVAC.