Campuses Can Sign Up for ENERGY STAR® Benchmarking Program this Summer

U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR program is launching The ENERGY STAR® Higher Education Benchmarking Initiative in July for 2 and 4 -year colleges and universities nationwide to understand how the energy and water performance of their campus buildings stacks up against that of peer institutions. To participate, between July and August each institution will need to provide a few basic pieces of information about their campus characteristics through a simple survey, as well as campus-wide energy and water (optional) use data for calendar year 2019.

EPA will analyze the data from all participants and will provide each institution a scorecard that shows the overall results of all participants, as well as how their performance compares to peer institutions (kept anonymous). EPA will provide training on the use of Portfolio Manager for all interested participants.

Fill out this form (optional) to express interest and EPA will contact you regarding next steps. To attend the kick-off webinar on July 15, please register here.