The Digital Age is Coming to a Building Near You

The US Department of Energy set a national goal to triple the energy efficiency and demand flexibility of the buildings sector by 2030, relative to 2020 levels.  It is based on new smart technologies and business models that transform passive energy consuming buildings into active systems able to modulate their energy use in synchrony with the grid. They calculate “…that over the next two decades, [grid-interactive efficient buildings] GEBs could deliver between $100 and 200 billion in savings to the U.S. power system and cut CO2 emissions by 80 million tons per year by 2030, or 6% of total power sector COemissions”.

This is outlined in A National Roadmap for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings. Grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) can remake buildings into a clean and flexible energy resource. The roadmap includes recommendations to overcome barriers to achieving the full potential, adoption, and deployment of grid-interactive buildings. Also, it provides action steps for key industry stakeholders to use in adopting these technologies. eere

IRS allows more time to finish construction 
The IRS said [June 29, 2021] that developers will have an extra one to two years to finish construction of new wind, solar and other renewable energy projects and qualify for federal tax credits. Projects on which construction started for tax purposes in 2016 through 2019 will now have six years after the year construction started to finish.

Projects on which construction started in 2020 will have five years.
The IRS also made it easier for developers to qualify for even more time…
The IRS announcement is in Notice 2021-41