The community solar bill (LRB -1902/2) announced mid-July by two Repulican legislators is designed to stimulate growth of subscription-based community solar to all Wisconsin customers. It allows private market competition for the development of these 5MW or less grid-connected projects and provides energy savings on retail customer’s bills in the form of credits from their utility. Credits would be provided for no less than 25 years.
Community solar expands access to clean solar energy and energy bill savings to individuals and businesses who can’t afford to put solar on their property, don’t have good solar access or suitable roofs, and who rent. This bill ensures participation by all customer classes and private competition and investment in local communities.
The bill sparked the formation of a supportive coalition – the Wisconsin Community Solar Economic Alliance (WICSEA) made up of: the WI Conservative Energy Forum, Associated Builders and Contractors of WI, Aurora Health, Organic Valley, RENEW WI, WI Grocers Association, Land & Liberty Coalition, and Coaltion for Community Access. Utilities oppose the bill. renewableenergyworld, Wispolitics