Article originally published by U.S. News
The three utility companies planning a high-powered transmission line from the Madison area to Iowa have picked a preferred route that runs along existing highway and power line corridors rather than farms and fields. . . American Transmission Co., ITC Midwest and Dairyland Power Cooperative are working together on the $500 million project [proposed 345-kilovolt Cardinal-Hickory Creek line]. . . The project will improve the electric system’s reliability, provide economic benefits to utilities and consumers and support renewable energy, said the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, the regional electric grid operator.Opponents argue that the line and its tall towers would damage important conservation areas. . . Applications to public utility commissions in both states are pending. . .
[For more information, an energy forum on this issue and this particular transmission proposal held March 2 can be viewed on YouTube Harnessing Our Local Energy Futures]