Sauk County Reaches Financial Milestones through Solar

The Solar Sauk County group buy program reached its second benchmark of 125 kW, triggering price breaks for participants. The program, which began in March, allows individual home, farm, and commercial property owners access to lower prices for solar installations through the power of volume purchasing. At each interval of 50, 125, and 200 kW of solar capacity that the program participants collectively achieve, the price of solar is reduced.

The County is installing more than $1 million in solar PV systems through a third-party investor and a Focus on Energy grant for two of its facilities without upfront costs. Eagle Point Energy owns and operates the systems, reaps the 30 percent federal investment tax credit, and leases the electricity to the county facilities at a reduced rate. The Sauk County Health Care Center, a nursing home in Reedsburg, has a 225 kW ground-mounted array. A 400 kW rooftop solar PV system on the Sauk County Law Enforcement Center in Baraboo will be installed in July. Overall, Sauk County will realize $550,000 cash flow savings over 25 years. Reedsburg Times-Press,Solar Energy Financing Guide: Empowering Wisconsin Local Governments