Midwest Clean Energy Jobs Rebound Second Half of 2020, Wisconsin Ranks Fifth

The annual Clean Jobs Midwest report shows 677,919 clean energy jobs in 12 Midwestern states in 2020 with 69,343 in Wisconsin. This puts Wisconsin 5th in clean energy jobs following IL (115,133), MI (113,456), OH (103,437), and IN (80,614).The clean transportation sector was the region’s (+3%) and Wisconsin’s (+4% = 257 new jobs) fastest growing sector with 2,281 jobs in hybrid vehicles (= 7.2%) and 1,176 in electric vehicles (+9.7 %) in Wisconsin. Also, wind energy jobs in WI grew by 170 to 1,797 workers. Small businesses drive Wisconsin’s energy sector with 69% of clean energy jobs in businesses with 20 employees or less.

Clean energy jobs include jobs in energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, advanced transportation, grid and storage, and clean fuels. In Wisconsin, energy efficiency jobs are 80% of all clean energy jobs. While most clean energy jobs in the Midwest are in big cities, more than one in five — or more than 143,800 — jobs are in rural areas. This study is compiled by Clean Energy Trust and E2 based on data collected for the 2021 U.S. Energy Employment Report (2021 USEER).