The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has several provisions that help electric cooperatives bring affordable clean energy to rural communities. There is a $9.7 billion fund for cooperatives to purchase clean energy and zero-emissions systems. Federal …
Protected: EECBG Blueprint Cohorts Initiative Enhanced by ACEEE
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NOAA’s Climate Smart Communities Initiative to the Rescue
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has launched the Climate Smart Communities Initiative (CSCI) to help US communities at high risk of climate impacts and that most need assistance. They will receive assistance to …
Madison’s LEED Gold Fleet Services Building Runs on Clean Energy Systems
The City of Madison’s $33 million Nekoosa Trail Fleet Building completed in 2021 is the state-of-the art for sustainability features supporting its LEED Gold certification by the US Green Building Council. The building is highly energy …
Midwest Clean Energy Jobs Rebound Second Half of 2020, Wisconsin Ranks Fifth
The annual Clean Jobs Midwest report shows 677,919 clean energy jobs in 12 Midwestern states in 2020 with 69,343 in Wisconsin. This puts Wisconsin 5th in clean energy jobs following IL (115,133), MI (113,456), OH (103,437), and IN …
Mayor Tim Kabat, City of La Crosse Shares the Progress Toward Their Energy Independent Community Goal
Scott Coenan, Executive Director of WisCEF
Executive director of WisCEF, Scott Coenan, addresses a Customers First Coalition meeting.