Adams County, CO will power its buildings with privately developed local solar from SunShare Community Solar Gardens of Denver. Community Solar Gardens allow customers either who cannot or do not want to install solar panels …
Newsletter Blog Post
Buildings Compete in EPA’s Energy Star Battle of the Buildings
Buildings nationwide are competing in EPA’s Fifth Annual Energy Star Battle of the Buildings. The competition targets wasted energy in commercial buildings to motivate businesses to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon pollution, and save money. With …
Nevada Study Finds Rooftop Solar Reduces Costs for All
Nevada Net Energy Metering Impacts Evaluation is a study prepared for the State of Nevada Public Utilities Commission, July 2014, on the value of distributed solar to the state’s utilities. Findings: this year and next, under …
MREA Receives $1.87M to Grow Solar in the Midwest
The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) was awarded $1.87 million dollars in funding by the US Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative as one of nine regional teams. MREA will be working with partners in 5 …
Wisconsin Receives USDA Funds to Promote Development of Rural Wood to Energy Projects
More than $2.5 million in grants to develop wood energy teams in 11 states were awarded by USDA in mid-July. Wisconsin received $250,000 in grants funds. The partners in the Wisconsin team are: State Energy …
Virent Receives EPA Approval for Biofuel
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given fuel registration to Madison-based Virent Inc’s BioForm gasoline, which allows the fuel to be used in on-highway motor vehicles. During testing, the plant sugar-based fuel, which contains …
Wind Tower Manufacturing Big Business for Wisconsin Firm
A Manitowoc Wisconsin company, Broadwind Energy Inc., received orders worth $34 million to produce new wind turbine towers from an unidentified U.S. turbine manufacturer. The order represents two-thirds of the company’s tower production capacity for …
Wisconsin’s Second Solar Community Garden Launched
St. Croix Electric Cooperative (SCEC) held a ribbon cutting July 19th for the new 103 kW community solar garden called Sunflower 1. One hundred and twenty co-op member subscribers paid for one to five, 500-watt production …
Wisconsin Utility Rate Cases Open for Comment
Public comments are being taken now by Wisconsin’s Public Service Commission for each of the utility’s rate restructuring plans. These will affect two-thirds of Wisconsin ratepayers. We Energies, WPS and MGE have filed major rate …
EPA Adds Natural Gas From Landfills to Renewable Fuels Program
The Environmental Protection Agency said natural gas from landfills that is compressed or liquefied can be classified as a cellulosic biofuel under the Renewable Fuel Standard, a decision that could boost the use of natural …